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yep....splash marans....about 2.5 weeks old I think. We picked it (and a cuckoo and a black copper) up last Saturday and this one has been sneezing or whatever since yesterday. The other 2 are in the brooder with it and I haven't noticed anything with them yet, but I'm still uneasy......Dr. Google doesn't help things either.
I would go to TSC tomorrow, but a bottle of Tylan 200 and put in 4cc per gallon of water. 1 cc for a quart waterer for 5 days.
But it seemed healthy when you got it? I'd ask the people you got it from if they have anything going on over there... Is it acting lethargic also?
They all seemed OK when DH picked them up. They're off CL, and had a few other types that I was interested in getting when they hatched out, but DH said that he didn't feel comfortable getting more chicks there. They haven't been as.......wild?......as the first group of 10 that we have outside now, but I was thinking that was maybe because there are only 3 of them....and they're a different breed??? So, I guess maybe a little lethargic, but it doesn't really appear to be worsening from yesterday. It seems to be fluffing itself up a lot more today too......especially after it sneezes a few times in a row.

I could call the person I got them from tomorrow and ask....I'm just having 'worst case scenario' flashes of MG, CRD, or something else yucky.
Well any way, I have another question... I have a serious flea issue in the house. I have a fish tank, so bombing is kinda sorta a problem if I do not seal it up well before bombing. I have feeder fish in it that have grown beyond feeder status. This thing is probably just about 7 inches long... Living 2 years now. Well anyway, I got that spot treatment for the dogs, and not the cheapo stuff, even though the neighbor says it works just fine for his girls, but the fleas are just still horrible. I didn't treat the yard this year because I was worried if the chickens got over the fence, which they do, they may be poisoned. SO anyway, aside from constantly bathing, is there something else? What have ya'll found to work best? I am thinking I may have to take Argus for a shot they are bothering him so badly...
I've fogged my house many times while having an aquarium. Turn off the filter and cover the whole aquarium with a garbage bag ( if you can get one big enough), wait 2-3 hours after fogging before you remove the bag and start the filters up again. You Can have fish and no fleas. Just make sure to tape or otherwise secure the bag around the aquarium so no air gets through. Also that the filter is covered as well.
Nova- I HATE FLEAS!!! I like to put them in rubbing alcohol when I catch them!
Fleas have been awful the past 2 years for my poor bichon. Something about the white hair... If he gets bit by one he itches for a week.
I have him on frontline and bathe him regularly (he is a huge dust ball... fleas or not) Do not bathe 24 hours before or after putting frontline on... 48hrs is best
I have tea tree oil that I dilute in a spray bottle and spritz on the couch carpet, dog pillows (no where that it will be eaten... even when it is diluted) I have even put it in the dog shampoo. Can also use eucalyptus oil...
I wash bedding in HOT water every other day (when they are really bad)
If you can fill potpourri sacks with cedar chips and place them throughout the house or eucalyptus leaves (make sure no one eats that either)

I do not use bug bombs... they scare me...

Can DE be used in the house? I have heard of it being used in basements...(Disclaimer: I heard it on Bones... great show)

Friendly tip:
For really fresh carpet... I sprinkle Arm and Hammer powdered laundry soap and vacuum... I have had so many complements after doing that. It smells sooo good.
I guess I could just buy the carpet freshener stuff but I buy that laundry soap anyway.
With the older ones being BBB they're going to be bigger at any given age and grow faster than any heritage breed. Even with less than stellar nutrition their genetic potential is such that they'll still grow pretty quickly (though not as quickly as they could, obviously), but if there's anything I can tell you absolutely, positively for sure from the pictures it's that what's pictured is not a healthy 3mo BR turkey poult. (And not just because it's leg is all twisted. LOL!)
They were on starter til the end of last month when we switched them to game bird. Is that wrong? We asked at Family Farm & Home where we bought all but the 3 BR. I knew those 3 didn't look right. I understand that the BBB will always be bigger but could it also be that I got them from a breeder in town I wasn't as familiar with? I know, it's all my fault and I feel absolutely HORRIBLE!!!
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Gods morning Michigan, another beautiful (but dry) day here again.

Tbe dose for Tylan 50 is 4 times the dose for Tylan 200.

I would not use DE in the house it is bad to breath it in, the particles are very fine and cause lung inflammation. Borax works by dessicating the eggs, larvae and pupae present in the carpeting.
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