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Ya its me,
I dont have this site figured out though
Hola Compadres!

Ok... Today started out great. Yup Why? I have a new chick. It is so cute! It has a beard and muffs! Mostly yellow with a bit of orangey brown, 5 toes. Go Mr. Fluffers. It'll be Black and white and salmon and greenish, like its much older siblings. Momma Skatter went into attack mode.

One of the silkie eggs got kicked out of the nest box and broke I am assuming. I swear, I am to have to convince that hen that the cat carrier nest box would be much better. She is bent on being in a top nest, so of course when that egg hit the coop floor... Dagnabit.

Neighbor picked up a silkie roo yesterday along with several...a dozen or more?? D'uccles. (how do you pronounce this? like it's spelled?) Well anyway, this rooster is so gorgeous. He got it for a buck. Its a calico roo. Has a defect though for quality breeding. To much red in his comb and wattles. BUT, he is so sweet!

Ok ... And I woke up. Yup. SO, that made it a good day. I would rather sleep all day.

So I went to work. It went down hill from there. I split open my hand on a darn mailbox lid. I put the paper in the flash tube, the lid fell open and that little metal hook sliced right into my palm. Note... I very seldom come to a complete stop...kinda a rolling stop. SO, off to the Zeeland urgent care. Hour and a half later, I have a nice round of stitches and orders to keep the hand dry as possible. No prolonged soaking. Shower, not bathe. Wade, don't swim. Wear gloves to do dishes, change chicken waters. Change bandage a few times a day, apply triple antibiotic ointment everytime. Come back in 10 days to get stitches out. Grand. Just grand.

Step parents... so do not like the idea. My mother married a man who was abusive in "THAT" way. two years of hell before we went to live with my dad. Mother defended her man saying he'd never do that. SOB has alzheimers now, and my half brother is in prison for carrying on that family shame. He'll be there till hes 70 at the earliest. Shoulda put a bullet in his head. My father married a woman who didn't raise her own children. They chose to live with their father after their parents divorce. Then they chose to go into the foster system in florida rather than live with their mother. So, my step mom, who I always refer to as "my mom" was not metally equipped to be a mother, or step mother. She was always in competition with us for my dads attention. My dad being the loyal person he was, realised these serious failings. However he was also very spiritual, not on a church level, but a personal level. He had a dream where Jesus came to him and told him to take care of her. We'd be alright, she wouldn't with out my dad. He told me this dream, and asked me to continue to take care of her after he was gone. That is why she is still here.

Having given this brief description of my step parents... You see/understand why I do not feel divorced parents should remarry until their children are adults. My kids will never have a step dad. Yes, they are much more important to me than anything that could possibly bring me happiness and them misery. I can wait. God did not build me a weak woman who needs a man to be happy. I have my kids, my dogs, my chickens, my hobbies, my friends. That other thing, I can have that as needed also. I think women can shut that need off.
Nova - so sorry about your hand! Holy Cow! Never a dull moment!
Also, it sounds like you take after your dad and he sounds like a good man. I know your kids are lucky to have a spunky mom like you!

Opa - What is with those eagles in the video?
Why don't they fly off when the lady walks up to them?
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