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It is when you're talking 3/4" hardwood and 1800sqft to cover. I'm not a Pergo/laminate person either, I have dogs and can't stand that fake sound their nails make on it not to mention it's too slippery for them.
I'm thinking peanut shells or straw maybe. just like they did in the "OLD" days! Installation is a breeze too
I have the first ever rump-less GLW!

She is one lucky girl. So is Snow-bunny and Mr. Fluffers. What a good rooster.

There was an attack on the yard today. I do not know what it is, but I thought for sure both this girl and Snow-bunny were some animals dinner. I went out in the yard, and I see a trail of white feathers. OH CHIT, is my first thought. I follow the trail, but not body to be found any where. I then find a different set of feathers from the GLW pullet, but none of her either. I went searching, nothing. Then I find Mr. Fluffers, face against the wall, back to me, hiding in the old desk. He wouldn't let me touch him either. I didn't see any blood, or feathers missing, but he is clearly injured some where. Eh, he'll have to wait. Its 94 degrees, I am not chasing a rooster all over the yard just to see whats wrong and possibly make it worse. So now I am upset. I go back in the house to finish Big Boy up. MMMM-MMMM good. I cooked up the big meatie. I know, on such a hot day too! He was supposed to be lasts dinner, but he wasn't thawed all the way. Well anyway, I went back out side to go and have a look-see so I can try and determine which vermin, and I do not mean RaZ neighbor, had absconded with my girls. Out come the GLW pullet. YEAH! I was so happy. I told my mom that she was OK, just missing the tail. Then ma said that maybe I'd get lucky and Snow-bunny would be back too. I said, that'd be nice. Well I went to drop the kids off at VBS and came home to do evening chores. I went to the back to get the feeders off the hanging board and bring up the garage. I yelled over to the neighbor that I think a coon may have attacked during the day because I had a chicken with a missing tail and just several piles of silkie feathers and an injured Mr. F. I brought the feeder back to the run, and I see a powder puff ball!! SWEET! I picked Snow-bunny up, and she is filthy, but missing a crap load of fluff off of her back. You can't tell it very much in the pic, because the other feathers really cover the area. She's got bald spots under there. No bloody spots, no punctures. A bit of wing feather damage, but nothing else.

No, what I think happened... What ever it was, was not experienced. Well, it was good at catch and release. Anyway... I think it got a hold of the GLW pullet first, only not well enough, but well enough that it was able to completely rip out her tail. She does have minor injuries there. I will blue kote that when she's roosting tonight, and I have some help. Well then the critter made its way to the bushes where the chickens all hang, and got a hold of Snow, but Mr. F save the day, sustaining some injury to himself, and chased the vermin off. Good boy, that'll do. Both girls went hiding, leaving me thinking they were goners.

Mr. F is going to be needing a nice personal treat tonight. After an exam.

Gotta go and get the kids.

My girl Boris is such a sweetie!
She is sweet

I have the first ever rump-less GLW!

She is one lucky girl. So is Snow-bunny and Mr. Fluffers. What a good rooster.
in the pic, because the other feathers really cover the area. She's got bald spots under there. No bloody spots, no punctures. A bit of wing feather damage, but nothing else.
Nova!! the fun never stopes at your house ....Glad all are well
Wow Nova, you really need a trail cam on your yard! This is mystifying, you keep getting daytime attacks........... I have various hawks that try my area, but not much else during the day. I hope your hand heals quickly!

My rooster also is a nest-builder. He has sang to the girls during their first egg-layings, he seems to know and understand that they are stressed out. Great for the girls, not so great for me! Unfortunately he is ultra protective during egg laying times also.

There were other things i was going to answer, i can't remember them............ Hot sickly day today.
Had an unbelievable moment tonight. Was leading the chickens to the coop for the night and just caught sight of a raccoon coming out the coop door. The unbelievable part is that it was not even 2 feet from one of my ee's that was already in the coop. Took a head count and everyone's accounted for, but there are eggs broken and eaten in the nest boxes. Thinking I found my egg eater. DH couldn't believe that it didn't go after the ee, but if he's my egg eater then he's been enjoying a lovely egg buffet so maybe he wasn't interested in the egg maker yet. Either way, trap set and loaded. Time to catch a thief.
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