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Found these on CL

Pea hens $40
Peacocks $40-75

I would use these to show/sell quail
Fuzzy, supersteak tomato seeds are available from several seed companies online. They are a hybred, so dont breed true, which is probably why your saved seeds were anticlimactic.

Got rid of 10 chickens this past week, including a passel of bantam roos. I am now down to 2 coops and a pen for the freezer camp bound. Thanks Taprock for helping me out :D
I still have my old SLR but after getting the shutter fixed twice and it breaking again I finally went with my first P&S back in 2005 maybe? A 1.3 mp Fuji. Then in 2009 got a better P&S an 8 mp Panasonic which I've been pretty happy with except for the short zoom (5x) and not being good in low light situations. I finally started looking around a bit last winter, and decided I would rather get a bridge camera rather than a dSLR because I just don't have the cash for multiple lenses nor do I want to cart around a ton of stuff any more. So after some research I started drooling over the Panasonic FZ150. But at $449 I've been waiting for it to drop below $400 and was hoping when the new version comes out it'll drop significantly. Then I saw the specs on the FZ200 and about fell over. **** but I WANT that one!1 But they're saying $599. OUCH. But dang. f2.8 over the entire zoom range of 24x. I'm in lust. I'll just have to wait and see how things go and if the reviews are as great as is hoped.
Seriously, I HIGHLY recommend what I had before my DSLR. The Fuji Finepix S28HD. I sold mine to my niece's fiance who owns a very popular tattoo shop in Lansing. I bought it for $300 and sold it to him for $200. You can't add lenses to it but you can add some cool filters which I had too. There are of course better ones now but that one was awesome. It had a much better zoom than my DSLR. It had 14mp with 18x optical zoom. It does a lot of the same stuff my DSLR does so I kinda had it easy when I bought my Nikon. It takes absolutely fabulous photos and it has the look of a DSLR too! Just a suggestion.

If you're looking to buy a better camera but you don't know how to pull it off, well if you have good/decent credit, try the bill me later program on ebay. You don't have to make a payment for 6 months and then you can make minimum payments. You can also buy rebuilt cameras like I did with my last Fuji (I've had 3 I liked them that much!) from somewhere like Ritz Camera which is at least 20% cheaper than buying one anywhere else...and they accept bill me later!

hahahaha thats funny!!! Are you getting them?

Good Morning everyone! Hope you all have a great day! and does anyone have Hillbilly Hen and Juise' and Fife's phone numbers? If so, maybe give them a call to let them know we are missing them on the board!
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Also MIA on here is Fife, she sold her coop and haven't heard back since, and HH hasn't said hardly 2 words........ I am curious about Juise too because she said life-altering stuff was happening, could be good, could be bad.......... and still hanging!

I tried to PM Fife about CS but no reply. Hard to say there because her DH had health problems, and well, who knows? I'm seeing HH today at her house. She's still around but super busy like most of us "outdoor" types. Juise, well mabe Nova knows something. Over the few years I've been on here I've seen a multitude of people come and go. I think I'll stick around as I've met some very nice people!
Cameras? Here's an idea. New cameras are very nice but some DLSRs cost a ton. You can haunt the local camera stores for used cameras with factory warranties. I stopped by the Camera Shop in muskegon yesterday and played with a Pentax that was discontinued in 2009. I talked to guy to his lowest price and then checked the internet. On used camera sites you can also get them at a steal. This course of action is'nt for everyone since they are used albiet in excellent condition. I did not end up with another DSLR yesterday though. My next one has to have a HDMI adaptive port of full 1080p streaming be it stills or movie. BTW, even though some people think brands matter I believe you should only look at what crtiteria you NEED and go with the most cost effective one. A good online review page is Steve's Cameras.

Good luck

P.S. Pentax have been my choice since 1977! I can even adapt old 70's lenses to a modern K mount DLSR.
Good morning every one
hopping to finish up the meat birds today, glad that will be done, need the extra tractor... momma hen needs to get out of my garage

summer time is very busy especially with little kids,gardens, ect. jusie is most likely very busy, Hope things are OK with those not here, Nova how is your sister, Mom2 how is your DH,

Going on vacation in a couple weeks, got to make sure every one is healthy and food supply will hold for a week,,,,,may just leave the hose on drip in one of the many waterers so their will always be fresh in at least 1.
That was what I had, too.
RBahmer, my kids are younger, but it's a bit of the same story for mine with their dad. It's not easy for kids caught in the middle and one parent, in vindictiveness against the other, does things that are forever irreversible. I told my ex the same thing and he didn't listen either.
I had horses and I knew he would do something with them but at the time there wasn't a thing I could do about it but to sell my 7 year olds pony ?? Seriously ??? I knew he would pay for that one but he just refused to believe me. Bet he believes me now LOL. A few years back my grandson asked me who he was and I looked at my daughter and she just frowned at me and shook her head no so I just told him he was nobody important. My daughter hates him that much.
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