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I REALLY like this colour chicken!
I belive you are allowed to record a conversation as long as you are a party to the conversation in MI... Maybe I am wrong...
we were told by a lawyer(many yrs. ago) when our daughter was going through a devorce, you can not use a recoded conversation unless the person knows you are recording them. But like I said that was more then 10 yrs ago
My parents and brother are just up the beach from the lighthouse! Well, not at this exact moment, as they are camping near Ann Arbor where my brother is getting six weeks of radiation treatment. They hate staying in motels so their camper is the next best thing to home.
Prayers for you brother, It is nice they have a camper to stay in, it is not pleasant to be sick in a hotel....
Your mystery wildflower looks like Butter and Eggs (common toadflax, not nearly as nice a name)
I have those what are they used for? says they are a herb
got an extra window in the coop today, only had 1 large window on 1 side, now they have more air. and I don't have to leave the people door open all the time DH helped me frame it in. will fix a piece of plexiglass to slide over it in the winter
Hello fellow Michiganders...and chicken keepers.

I have been active on the Michigan right to farm/ordinance board and I popped over here to seek some help. In a nushell my city ( New Baltimore) unanimously turned down my request to allow BYC

They ignored all the facts I presented and votd based on wrong data.

I would like to spark interest in my community by hosting a meeting at our library for residents. I am looking for anyone in Macomb County (or neighboring communities) to come and share their stories and coop/chicken keeping information.

I am also seeking any help in my efforts to allow chickens in my city.

Thank you in advance and please PM me if you are interested.

Today has been a successful day! Most of my soup chickens are ready to go and the 3 geese have spent the day in the run with the ducks. I usually let them out for half a day but I wanted to see how they'd get along and there hasn't been one problem! I am SO excited!!!

In about an hour we're meeting RustyByrd and her DH and we're all going out to get some hens. It will be the first time I meet her DH and she meets my DD. Should be fun!
I ended up doing even less today than yesterday. Still feel exhausted for no reason. So I sat with my camera. By the way I hate the new photo format. My pictures all come out squished looking.

My favorite picture of the day - Teri


That storm knocked out our power last night... Well, it gave us a brown out for several hours... THEN it went completely out. Finally came back on after I went for work. Was worried, because Consumers said it'd be back on no later than 4 tomorrow. Nice, give the worse case senario why don't they; THEN the cable went out, so, I am only now just having the cable back, and being able to get on to say HI!

Today is a bad day for Mr. F. His comb is purple and cold today, he was also stumbling quit a bit. I do not think he will make it through. He never crowed once today. I had to force feed him a bit of egg and yogurt and bread. I am heart broken over this, but I am still hoping he'll pull through. That effen coon did more damage than we know, and will only really know how bad if he dies and do a looksee inside. I am not. I will just bury him next to the other girls.

Love the pics of the wildflowers and the garden flowers and silkies. Very pretty birds Tap and Fuzzy.

Yes, MI law is that if you are going to record the conversation, you need to inform at the beginning of the call, and in some cases have a beep every 10 minutes of the conversation for a reminder. Unfortunetly, this is a public forum... and people like to sink to lowness in order to get their evidence, petty, spiteful, and not very American if you ask me.

I got the house bombed today. I hope this will take a serious bite out of the fleas. I also re-spotted the dogs and the cats. Hope we don't have sickness from them.

Gotta go get vacuuming done, and put the birds away.
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