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When I hear of the death of of an American serving our country my heart goes out to their families in thought and prayer. When that gallant soldier is related to someone I know I find it difficult to find adequate words for those who gave all. God please hold them close.
I agree there to mom2... Some are very like that. A few months ago, I would have said all were. I have been educated since then...
I haz been edjamacated as well- in fact, it was when Olive first called me a hypocrite that I started to love her...
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Teeville - if there is heat in your hens foot I would assume infection and I would give her an antibiotic!

Nova- I think what Mrshaggie is saying is that sun and grass and our chickens lifestyle are better. And of course the really free range hens we all have do give us better eggs. But I am very happy to hear that what you saw in farming was good for the animals and I hope the eggs are good for people also.

Is the heat getting to anyone else? Our allergies are pretty bad and I am just feeling punky~
glambka....You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. So sorry for your families loss. Prayers also, for the other soldiers families.Thank all for their service.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Just another word on caged birds: I started out raising my CX at the end of May, I had every intention of raising them in the yard on green grass so they could forage and be "happy." Mother nature intervened and I lost 7 birds to the heat at 4 weeks. I can tell you my birds are much happier in pens in the cooler garage than out in the hot dead grass. It's not what I wanted for them but it's what has kept them alive and ensured I will have food in my freezer. Losing 1/3 of my birds was devestating both emotionally and financially, I can't imagine that kind of loss at a production level. I think free range is a more natural way to go but it isn't always the most practical.
Sure will be sad if my neighbors dog suffers from SSS. He spent all night digging under the privacy fence pulling all the dirt out, and dug out UNDER and further than the buried chicken wire that I have on my side- trying to get the rabbits.
Neighbor is passed out drunk- and I have a right to protect my property. So, I took the garden hose and filled the hole with water to keep the rabbits from going through it til I can correct the problem.l may dump a bag of quikcrete in there- not my problem if the dog gets his feet covered in concrete. eta- my husband said I cannot put concrete into the neighbors yard.So, if I set the bag on my side, in the hole and the dog digs it open with his claws, that would be theft of my concrete and not my problem.
I laid a wire cage bottom on MY side of the fence hole with brick on top of it.
Told my husband to go lay a section of chain-link over on that side with the evil dog. Stick the neighbor in the hole, I dont care. But correct the problem before I do..
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I can tell you my birds are much happier in pens in the cooler garage than out in the hot dead grass.
Im sure they are. However, if they had been provided with adequate shade and dirt under shrubbery, they may have fared well.
This heat has been awful and plenty of people have had heat-related losses in both penned and unpenned animals.
Getting the rest of the firewood split and stacked before it gets too hot today! I think we've got around 28 cord in for this winter. I don't know who will be happier about this: DH b/c he won't need to spend his free time on the weekends cutting/hauling or ME b/c DH will actually get to be home during the weekends!!!

My condolences to your family Glambka.
A soldier from our area was also killed last week.....maybe they were together? A friend of mine graduated with him, and she says it's very strange to think that he's just *gone*.
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