Mille Fleur Bantam Cochins - Frizzled!

Here are my new breeding project of Porcelain D'uccle Rooster x White Frizzle Cochin Hens.

They are still young, but free-range during day and cage at night.
As they grow older, I'll put them in the bigger pen and starting to breed.
Here are my new breeding project of Porcelain D'uccle Rooster x White Frizzle Cochin Hens. They are still young, but free-range during day and cage at night. As they grow older, I'll put them in the bigger pen and starting to breed.
Wow Chang1993, I'm guessing those will be some pretty mixes! I recently hatched a half dozen LF Cochins and it turns out one hen was seeing the Phonix rooster on the side. The chick is looking pretty cool though at 3 weeks. Please keep us posted on your project, I'm interested in a pretty assortment for my backyard layers!
Hi everyone! My hens have finally picked back up laying and I can ship an order out next Monday if anyone is interested!

Hi MollySanWV, I was wondering if I could get split order of some of your Cochins? I don't have any Bantams currently, will they be ok with my LF layers? I've got an assortment of breeds
. If so and you can split an order, lmk what Cochin colors you have and the cost for a dozen! Thank you

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