Mini Geese

How did I miss this??? I think I thought it was the old thread.

Gorgeous! I can;t wait to see more of them. Congrats
Minigeese?! Now you've got me thinking if I can raise them in my small yard. Is there some info online I can find on their living requirements? Is there anything different you do with them as opposed to full sized geese?
HellO I don't have geese but I think I may want a few! These minis sound awesome! How do y'all like your geese?
Oh, OK Thanks. I was looking at getting some Shetlands but heard they were pretty inbred in the US and that they can have fertility issues.
Hi all,
I have had both Shetland and now Mini's. The Mini's are very quiet and look smaller, they are built different from the Shetlands. The Shetlands have a more round chubby shape and they cannot fly very well ( actually they never tried to get off the ground ) and are much more talkative. The Mini's are more streamlined not so deep bodied and can fly very well. My blue gander can take off from a stand still, does not need a long run. I guess my grey gander was a better flyer because he came to me with one clipped wing. I love that they can fly well. My blue Mini female is a different body type more like domestic geese and she can not get her cute little body off the ground without a good run and then does not fly so well. As you can see from the photos with the Cacklers they are not tiny but smaller that standard domestic geese. Mine are in covered pins about 35 ft. X 35 ft. so flying is not a problem. The bobcats in the area ate my Shetlands because they were not in pins. Now all my birds are in covered enclosure. I just could not kill the Bobcat it is so beautiful and was just doing its job, finding food.

So if flying is an issue they will need to have their wings clipped. They do not need the entire wing clipped just about a third to half the length of the flights on one side.

I do not know about the fertility of Shetlands, mine seemed normal, whatever normal means.
I love my birds, such fun!

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