Miniature Horse Naughtiness!UPDATE: Ed left today to get gelded.

so after our big snow storm last wednesday ed escaped and was gone for two days, we couldnt get the car out to go looking for him. When we finially got out on friday we found him up the road a couple miles at the place they feed out the dairy steers, he had been eating Silage (EWWW) for two days. I kept a close eye on him friday and yesterday and other then being so naughty it was dangerous to be in the garage with him he seems fine. I contacted the horse rescue and they came today and picked him up to get gelded, she will also be doing some work with him attitude wise before bringing him back. What a wonderful lady, what a wonderful group. We plan to donate some of our tax return to the group as well as do whatever we can to help pay them back for what they have done for us. Now while Ed is gone we will be able to give the garage a more thorough cleaning, and have it all ready for him when he comes home.
Just wanted to let everyone know what was going on.
I am so happy that they have stepped up to the plate to help you. That is great. I love mini's they are my passion, but they are work, and while Ed is gone it would help to try to learn as much as you can. Sometimes if you volunteer with a mini horse farm they will work with you in exchange. I usually get one "apprentice" a year. They clean, then I teach, it works out great!

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