
DS got his license yesterday FINALLY! Then this morning, we were letting him drive to school and he got to close to the side of the driveway that drops off a little and he got stuck. Well, at least the sun is shining now and it won't feel as bad pulling it out, but still not something I wanted to be doing today. Still not over this cold stuff, but it isn't killing me yet. I am getting tired of it, that is certain.
I am looking forward to the next couple of days and it getting warmer. My birds surely are too. Poor things! At least the wind isn't howling on top of it being so stinking cold.
We're not so lucky.

The east and south windows are open a crack for ventilation. Hopefully that will help.

Am trying to plan a way to break my broodies. I have a large wire dog kennel and a couple of large cat carriers.

Would it be easier to put each hen in a separate carrier in the coop?
I've never combined them in a carrier...sometimes they are pretty antagonistic . worth a try though. Biggest thing is to make it as unnestlike, and uncozy as possible. Good luck!

My local Zup's is closing.
oh no!!! that is too sad. where are people shopping instead?
I still have one broody hen. I think the others must just go in there and lay with her because she usually has a hoard of eggs under her. I may bring her in and try to break her one more time.

Looks like the weather will be "warming" up starting tomorrow. That'll make my girls much, much, much, happier. I haven't let them out to free range. I'm pretty sure they're sick of their coop and run.
this time of year I'm a little cautious about bringing anyone inside because supposedly it can be very tough to reacclimate to the cold outdoors when it is time to bring them back to the coop. If possible, you might want to pop them in the kennel or cage inside the coop instead. If floor space is an issue, you might be able to hang the kennel/cage above floor level. Good luck!
DS got his license yesterday FINALLY!  Then this morning, we were letting him drive to school and he got to close to the side of the driveway that drops off a little and he got stuck.  Well, at least the sun is shining now and it won't feel as bad pulling it out, but still not something I wanted to be doing today.  Still not over this cold stuff, but it isn't killing me yet.  I am getting tired of it, that is certain.

I am looking forward to the next couple of days and it getting warmer.  My birds surely are too.  Poor things!  At least the wind isn't howling on top of it being so stinking cold.

He shoildn't worry. I will probably do the same. I get to take drivers ed the end of February.
minnie, your ds learned a lesson the easy way...at least no damage/no injury. poor guy! and poor you having to deal with it while you are still not up to par.

Frozen eggs yesterday and today - busted open. I'll cook em up and feed em back tomorrow when I get to be home during daylight.

No change in status on the two buff's, and tonight the rooster was on a low roost. Thinking he probably isn't feeling the best with his frost bit comb and wattles. I'll make sure he gets some of the egg tomorrow , and I'll get a chance to observe him.

Judging from the water and feed outside the coop, I think the flock spent most of the day inside and perhaps just went out to get a drink of water. Only about half the normal water intake. Tomorrow is also the day to re-dust everyone for mites. I haven't seen any in the mean time on anyone since dusting last Wed .

Barred a Rock, chantlecer, or black Australorp?

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