
Here are 3 of the Buckeye cockerels and a Blue Cochin. Notice, the Cochin has frostbitten times on his comb. This is pretty much the story, even with these fellas. Notice though, the three Buckeyes don't have that problem. One very nice thing about them. I couldn't get the New Hampshires and Welsummers to hold still to get a clear picture of them to show what they have.
I had to redo some of the that plastic on the hoop that the bachelors and the cats had damaged. I also had to cover about an 18" part of the South face on the outdoor runs. I ran out of plastic, but I had some plastic feed bags that work even better, they are woven plastic and the staples don't just rip through on them. The outdoor runs aren't completely sealed but the wind is mostly blocked out,except the cracks around the gates, which I can't avoid if I need to keep opening them, which I do.
Here is the hoop from the inside now.
Nice work!!
Don't misinterpret me, I don't think they are necessarily causing it, I believe there is something going on there that shouldn't be so difficult to figure out where it came from. I have some suspicions, but I would probably sound like a nut job to some people to say what I think about all of this.
I agree. I dot want to sound like I am wearing a tin foil hat, if you know what i mean... but I find it odd that the people who should be most concerned about keeping AI a bay are struggling with it.
I had to redo some of the that plastic on the hoop that the bachelors and the cats had damaged. I also had to cover about an 18" part of the South face on the outdoor runs. I ran out of plastic, but I had some plastic feed bags that work even better, they are woven plastic and the staples don't just rip through on them. The outdoor runs aren't completely sealed but the wind is mostly blocked out,except the cracks around the gates, which I can't avoid if I need to keep opening them, which I do.
Here is the hoop from the inside now.
I was going to do the same thing yesterday! i wanted to cover some more edges of my corn crib coop to cut the breeze more in the nest area, but i couldnt find my stapler
Here are 3 of the Buckeye cockerels and a Blue Cochin. Notice, the Cochin has frostbitten times on his comb. This is pretty much the story, even with these fellas. Notice though, the three Buckeyes don't have that problem. One very nice thing about them. I couldn't get the New Hampshires and Welsummers to hold still to get a clear picture of them to show what they have.
I am having good luck with frost bite in this year and the coop is over 30 years old. Those old timers really new what they were doings. In the new coop we dont have any more the hens were getting frost bite so it had some issues. Your Cochins are beautiful! Even though I cant see the whole bird! Your Buckeyes are pretty too!!
I have a commercial level espresso machine. It has a large tank and needs to be hooked up to a waterline. The electronic valve has a leak but the rest of it is fine. To much?
see? i knew there were others out here that like/love/are addicted to "good coffee". And I am a total coffee snob, will do starbucks only if out of town and desperate. Usually local coffee shops have people who really care about the coffee they make.

Well, went into town, got the beans, and....it was as I feared, the backup machine has terrible coffee. not even drinkable. shoot.

On an entirely different note, the buff that was unable to move about a week or two ago and couldn't stand...this afternoon she was pacing in the brooder shelf cage, wanting to be out. So, I let her out. Got home and found her up on the roost....hopefully she will be ok coming down and not reinjure herself. I am thinking it was an injury and not mareks, which can cause temporary paralysis. who knows.

ps:mad:holm25 , I hated coffee til I tasted it overseas. That and what we call "coffee" are not the same thing, anymore than a homegrown tomato is the same thing as a supermarket tomato. So maybe you will like it when it doesn't taste like bitter dishwater, which is what Sue drinks. She, for some reason, can't stand my coffee....so!
I am having good luck with frost bite in this year and the coop is over 30 years old. Those old timers really new what they were doings. In the new coop we dont have any more the hens were getting frost bite so it had some issues. Your Cochins are beautiful! Even though I cant see the whole bird! Your Buckeyes are pretty too!!
lucky you with the coop. Is it one that you have posted pics? if not, when you get a chance, would love to see it.

I was going to do the same thing yesterday! i wanted to cover some more edges of my corn crib coop to cut the breeze more in the nest area, but i couldnt find my stapler
i hate that when you can't find a tool, and you practically spend more time looking for the danged thing than using it. I do miss having a workshop where I would keep ALL the tools and then could find them. Now, could be in the utility closet, the shed, the coop ---too many places but not enough space in any of them for all of the tools.

Here are 3 of the Buckeye cockerels and a Blue Cochin. Notice, the Cochin has frostbitten times on his comb. This is pretty much the story, even with these fellas. Notice though, the three Buckeyes don't have that problem. One very nice thing about them. I couldn't get the New Hampshires and Welsummers to hold still to get a clear picture of them to show what they have.
minnie, those are gorgeous. so healthy looking too.
Have any of you seen, AI has shown up in Indiana and Kentucky? Guess where? If you guess commercial turkey flocks, you win.
Seriously, does anyone else think it is a little strange how this has been a problem in commercial turkey flocks for both of these rounds? Places that are supposedly using high biosecurity protocols? Hmm?
Yeah, the BS about it being waterfowl... If so more backyard chicken owners would have it as our birds are free range or pastured. I'm another tin hatter! It is either in the food, or it is the "inspectors" bringing it in, either on purpose (tin hat
) or by accident. I think that backyard flock that got it here last year got it because the "inspectors" came from one of those huge turkey farms and was checking up on the farms within a certain radius, then gave it to that persons flock. They aren't coming on my land if someone around here gets it!

I had to redo some of the that plastic on the hoop that the bachelors and the cats had damaged. I also had to cover about an 18" part of the South face on the outdoor runs. I ran out of plastic, but I had some plastic feed bags that work even better, they are woven plastic and the staples don't just rip through on them. The outdoor runs aren't completely sealed but the wind is mostly blocked out,except the cracks around the gates, which I can't avoid if I need to keep opening them, which I do.
Here is the hoop from the inside now.
Looks great! glad you were able to patch up the wholes before this cold snap.

Here are 3 of the Buckeye cockerels and a Blue Cochin. Notice, the Cochin has frostbitten times on his comb. This is pretty much the story, even with these fellas. Notice though, the three Buckeyes don't have that problem. One very nice thing about them. I couldn't get the New Hampshires and Welsummers to hold still to get a clear picture of them to show what they have.
Oh, how wonderful!

Really like the color of Buckeyes, such a rich brown. What made you decide on this breed? Other than it's the only APA breed created by a female.

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