Miscarriage or not?

Maybe you should go to the ER Mich!

Drink fluids to help your body cope... Sorry for what you're going through.
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I agree. If you're bleeding to the point that you've passed out, you need to go to the ER.

I'm so sorry about all of this.

DBF took me to the ER. They did a D & C mainly just to check to see if the placentaca out or not since I didn't pass any tissue. It was a lot quixker and less painless than I expected. Still really groggy. I have a follow up appointment Apr 9.

Really groggy so excuse any spelling or typing erors

I have to say that you need to recover emotionally from this before making such a permanent and huge decision as a tubal ligation. Not telling you not to do it; that is your choice--just suggesting that you to postpone making that decision until your hormones are leveled out and you are not under so much stress and grief. It would be terrible if you went ahead and had it, then six months or a year later began regretting it.
I WANTED a tugal ligation after I had my daughter when I was 24. They told me I was too young for it and refused to do it. I'm 31 now and feel that my child bearing days are over. I am not someone who enjoys being pregnant or babies. As Fianna turned into a toddler I never had an uge to have a baby to do it all over again. I was just thrilled she could feed herself and begin to play with other children. Even now, I see babies and I don't feel nostalgic or longing. I have been told by people (my mother, my first husband, even a friend of mine) that I'm not a good mother. I'm too self-absorbed and impatient to have ever been a mom in the first place. I love my daughter dearly, don't get me wrong, but I don't have an urge to have another.

The people that know I miscarried, most are being pretty supportive. A few have been annoying and even before the baby came out, I was hearing, "So, when are you guys trying for another one?" and been quite appalled when I said that we didn't want another one.

The last two days being blissfully doped on a combination of Delottit and Ativan have reminded me how sleep deprived I've been lately. Since my job performance right now is sketchy, I don't think sleep deprivation from having a newborn at home would be helpful.
michickenwrangler I am sending many *hugs* and no I have no personal understanding of what you are going through. We probably have really different perspectives on life such as I tend to pray when life is really hard. I hope you are Okay with me praying for you now. Either way please know that I am sending those *hugs*. I hope that things will work out better in the future. I can say that God is near us all especially in our suffering and we can always call out to him. I hope for the best for you. Your life is precious and it has purpose.

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