Miscarriage or not?

I finally said something to my mother about "Quit asking me; work on my brother and his wife." She began going on about how even if my bro and his wife have kids, she'll never see them because they're out in California and besides, his wife is weird anyway and isn't too keen on his/my family. Sis-in-law and my mother had it out at her wedding shower ... a very elaborate, fancy at a yacht club wedding shower. My mother mentioned that it was a bit extravagant and that HER wedding shower took place in my grandfather's basement. Since we're Polish American, EVERYTHING important in a Detroit-Polack's life took place in a basement in Hamtramck. Brother's wife/fiancee was quite appalled.

My mother had problems with all of her pregnancies, btw. I'm the oldest, she had preeclampsia, I was induced and it took over 40 hours to give birth to me. The child after me died at 13 weeks gestation, not only that but she woke up during the D & C. She conceived almost immediately after that, gave birth to a weak child prematurely who died shortly after birth. Then almost immediately after that got pregnant with my brother. He ended up being over 10 lbs and was born in 4 hours. You would think that she would be a little more sympathetic, but she knows I'm in my early thirties and probably figures that this "is HER last chance."

Any rate, DBF's mother is actually being quite understanding and helpful. He doesn't talk with his mother much, but he spent some time with her after my miscarriage and found out that she had one too, which he never knew about (it happened when he was about 2 yrs old). She had conceived twins and said only "there was a complication" but this was in the early 1970s so the medical tech wasn't what it is today.

In a way, I'm glad that it was *kinda* natural in that my bleeding began on its own. At least that way I knew it was over rather than no symptoms and then having a D&C. I think both DBF and I would be wondering otherwise. He noted last weekend that I seemed happier, at which I felt guilty but had to admit that the pregnancy was causing me so much stress (I was constantly sick from week 6 to week 10--and this was sickness on top of morning sickness and unlike other women, I got no relief from nausea in the evenings, it was a 24/7 thing) and then the stress of losing it, I admitted, "I'm just glad it's all over." He even said that he was feeling some relief about it, and I know he feels guilty about it. I tried getting him to talk about it one night--he's normally pretty laid back but he seemed out of sorts--and he finally blurted out, "Our baby died! There's nothing we can do about it." After that he said that he was also a bit relieved but shouldn't feel that way. He started his new job last Friday and has been keeping himself busy clearing trees to bring the horses home on his days off, so I think he's dealing in hiw own way.

Though not together, we each have a daughter. It's enough for us.
I hope your DBF comes to understand, with time, that it's okay to feel a little relieved. You both knew that the timing wasn't the greatest. Sometimes, nature just agrees with you.

Post-partum depression, along with lactation, have set in. I've been really depressed and moody the last few days. REALLY don't want to go back to work. I went to my classroom to get caught up on a few things, and just suddenly felt overwhelmed. I don't remember the week before spring break at all (probably due to stress and the miscarriage itself). The sub didn't follow directions on the lesson plan and so no I have a whole bunch of 8th grade collages that were supposed to focus on their vocab for that section: schools & technology, words for computer, book, etc... that instead consist of just random words. I have no clue what to do with them.

With this depression, I've been taking it on on DBF and while I don't mean to, I kinda can't help myself. With the stress of work and the fact that I don't feel that I have a handle on my relationship or life in general. I've always had anxiety and confidence issues anyway, and it just feels that it's spiraling out of control now. I want/need someone to talk to and I know I need to get these things under control, but I can't do it by myself and I don't have time to see a counselor/therapist. I've pretty much used up all my sick/bereavement days and I've spent so much time out of the classroom.

Sorry to ramble, I'm just really feel down and out of control.
You may need to go to your doctor to see what you can do for your post part depression. Nothing to shove it under the rug and its very serious! I know you probably only have a month and half to go but please do take yourself seriously and get medical help, probably some anti depression therapy. You will be happy again for the summer once school work is no longer the burden of beast for you. A good summer vacation may be the thing for you!
I did have a dr. appt this morning. He prescribed some anti-depressants for me, which we'll see how they work. The nurse also gave the website and phone number of some help groups.
remember that AD take time to become effective, also call and ask what side effects to watch out for and what to do if they do occur and how long he/she plans to keep you on them.

Best Luck.
Hugs! Try to keep DBF informed about what is going on emotionally with you so that he is (hopefully) more understanding when you "take it out on him." Hoping that the meds work and that you can find some therapy that dits in your schedule.
The nurse said that women in situations like mine tend to have the worst time with miscarriage depression. In that, I was struggling to accept an unexpected and unwanted pregnancy and then the miscarriage itself.

Doc said to try the ADs for 6 months and see how it goes then.

He and I also talked about the "Essure" method of surgical sterilization. Does anyone know anyone who has it? He gave me some pamphlets which between this and tubal ligation, they seem about the same as far as safety and risks and effectiveness. I'm on birth control pills as of today (we'll see how long it lasts, I barely remember to feed the dog. DBF got intot he habit of feeding her when he wasn't working and I was so sick, so if he works, half the time I forget to feed her until he comes home and reminds me)

Whatever surgical method I go with, I won't do it until mid June. That way I don't have to take time off and by the off chance I change my mind, it will give me some time to mull it over
For what it is worth...Kelp tablets (I get this from Swansons Vitamins-cheep) and Red Raspberry Leaf tea (again, I get this from my health food store in bulk) help tremendously with hormone fluxuation and bringing things back to normal levels. This is of course my experience but it would be a something that could be taken and is not known to cause issues with prescriptions or OTC's. As for the relatives and parental guilt...oh my...I have never found anything that helps with that except respectful distance. It could be necessary to mention that these discussions and directions in talk are making your situation worse and more difficult? It may be necessary to distance yourself from person or persons...possibly say something about making an appointed time (2 weeks from now or whatever will works for you) to call and assure said person or persons that things are going along as expected. This will give you a break from the constant battle with that/those camps and also to see if they can (to say it politely) change the subject to something less 'them' focused. Much love to you and all this is just what has worked for me on some other issues. I am still praying that your mourning will be turned to Joy.
I know raspberry leaf tea is good for "women's ailments." I may have to try some.

Had a talk with my principal today, she basically said that I need to be the best that I can be and if I get bogged down by depression, I need to seek counseling and if I don't improve soon, then my contract won't be renewed for next year. Kinda ironic how she's telling me that I need to make use of the time at home to grade papers and plan and what not, but also wants me to attend therapy which takes time.

SHe even admitted that she doesn't know what I am going through. But if she were me, she would get rid of the chickens, the horses and the garden. Afterall, I can always buy food and eggs and rent horses to ride. I tried explaining to her that I would no sooner give up my daughter than my horses or chickens and she gave me an odd look.

It has crossed my mind to see if I can go down to part-time next school year (they would probably have to hire another part-time teacher to fill in the void) but since I don't have tenure and the principal isn't being very sympathetic, I highly doubt this would be an option.

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