Missing baby chick - cat?

The chick was definitely there the evening before. I always make sure that all chickens and the chicks get back into the coop and do a head count every evening when they go in and every morning when they go out. That's how I know it was there in the evening and gone in the morning before I let them out. @centrarchid , that rooster is much more aggressive towards the chicks than any of the hens. The hens just sometimes give them a short peck. The rooster - I've seen him a few times grab the chicks by the scruff of their neck and fling them away through the air for no good reason. He runs after them just to peck them, even when they're free ranging and there is plenty of space. And he drives them deliberately away from the food every feeding time while at the same time calling the hens to the food. He treats them like they are foreign invaders. I've put a few hide outs for them into the coop so they have where to go in the early morning before I let them out. I also throw food in several places to give them a chance to eat. And I think if I breed again' I'll use the other rooster. I don't want to breed that kind of behavior.
Your observations are totally opposite of mine an I have a lot of observations. I have never had a rooster that so treated young birds, especially chicks. Closest thing to exception involves immature roosters. You may have some sort of weird breed that is poorly suited for free-range keeping.
@centarchid, the rooster is a pure bred Japanese Bantam (at least he was sold to me as that). He's about a year old. Never heard that they can't free range in a warm and dry climate. I don't have much comparison as I only have 2 roosters. Maybe he is not normal and has a behavior problem, just like roosters that attack people. Or it's because he's never seen baby chicks before. The hens are Baladi, that is the term for mixed breeds of Middle Eastern origin. Their ancestors were living practically feral around villages. They should be more suitable for free ranging than anything else here (they also behave alright towards the chicks.)

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