This has been beautiful weather hasn't it? But I think it is all gonna change in a hurry! We are finishing up football season and then will start wrestling (my son is still in high school). We have also been building! In the last few months we have built a duck house, guinea hut, storage shed and chicken house and pen. Now we are hurrying to build a new 8x10 massive dog house before the weather turns cold! My husband and son seem to be obsessed with it all!
Bolivar-- 30 miles North of Springfield

15 acres outside town; a great place to explore, keep bees, plenty of stuff for the chickens to poke at....

You will love it here!
We are in Douglas County. SE of Springfield.
We moved here Sept of 07 and love it!
We have 12 RIR hens and one RIR Roo!
We get a dozen eggs almost everyday!
Freeman Mo. Here. 45 miles south of Kansas City on 71 highway, eats of Harrisonville 14 miles on 2 highway. 3 miles from Kansas border!! Howdie
Hi, fellow Missourians! This is my first post to BYC - probably not where I should introduce myself but I couldnt resist the Missouri thread! I was born in Independence, raised in Booger County (actual name is Douglas Co.) and now my husband and I are living near Mountain Grove, about 60 miles east of Springfield. I'm tickled to see so many other Missourians on this forum
. Hoping to learn a lot from y'all, as we're planning on starting our flock this spring, as soon as I can get a safe coop built. We're in a rugged rural area with lots of predators to watch out for. Got my heart set on a small flock of buff orpingtons if I can find any to buy near here, and I sure don't want to lose them to varmints. Looking forward to hearing more from you fellow show-me staters!

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