Anybody in SE Missouri have any light brahma and americana/easter egger hatching eggs?
Moved to Bolivar about a year ago. Just starting the new flock now with 7 guineas and 5 embden goslings. Guineas are laying-got 3 eggs yesterday-just abouty a year old. Will have to build a nest area for them in the coop. Guy I bought them from said he was getting 1 egg a day. They must have been laying all over his place and he just wasn't finding them. I live north of town on 23 acres. We have dairy goats and are looking for a Jersey or brown swiss cow or two. We have kids and mature wethers for sale. They are nigerian dwarf breed.
Hi all, I am in Neosho, Mo which is just South of Joplin. Just started my little flock, if anyone has a roo they would wants to sell I might be interested within the next couple of months. Great community on here!
We live in Kansas City, Mo. We love our chickens. We just got several chickens. We are going to try to start raising lavender orpingtons. We got a hen and cockerel. They are 5 weeks old. Our baby banty gold laced cochin are the sweetest chickens we have ever had.
We live in the northland. It's Lane and me and our two dogs. Now we have about twenty chickens under four months old. None have laid or crowed. So far we have had to get rid of about 10-15 because from Feldman's via Cackle Hatchery it's about a 50% ratio of pullet vs cockerel. Really sad to raise them from chicks and then have to sell them.

Right now, we have a black austrolorp, black cochin, and probably several americanas to sell. They are all under four months. The austrolorp and cochin are cockerels. If anyone is interested they are for sale. Thanks.

I work in st louis looking for lavender orpingtons.
Hi, we just drove from Kansas City, MO to Atlanta, MO. We met the coolest people. They have lavender orpingtons as well as many, many types of rare chickens. Not sure if you found your chickens but their number is 606 239 4242. Wonderful farm and awesome healthy breeding. They work on creating and strengthening blood lines. You won't find better chickens. Their names are Bill and Jane and I would recommend anyone from anywhere to venture out there as we did today!!!!

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