
My chicks don't really care for the mister. They run and hide when it comes on. I keep a large tin about 1.5 inch high with water and put an ice block in it daily, they like to peck it, and one likes to lay on it (weird). I've got a fan in the coop, and put up burlap along the top and side of the run where the sun comes in for shade, but not so much shade my sunflowers in the coop can't get sun.

I got a standing individual mister at Home Depot for $10. I also got a 10 feet mister kit (hose style) for our gazebo at walmart for $12.
I have used misters every summer for years. Today I ordered a new one from Amazon....it is designed to attach to the front of an electric fan. The fan disperses the mist which cools the hens...I got the idea frm a restaurant in Dallas...where the fan with the mister made dining very nice and cool...I figured if it is good enough for me, it will be great for my hens.
I have my chickens under misters all day long no panting just playing and getting wet awesome best thing you could buy in the heat for your chickens.

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