mixed bantams, cuties! silver chick?

Wow, I never did scroll down to the bottom, my bad! Your right the D'uccle chicks do look like ours! And, here I thought plain ol' cochin!
Pretty fancy, eh? My son has picked the blue chick as his favorite, oh dear. They're all adorable!

I just stare and stare at them. Mine are about 5 days old now with little wing feathers. I have 36 - yes, gulp - 36 chicks. I can have 25 fowl and rabbits here as long as they don't disturb the neighbors, but I didn't intend to have THAT many!!!

sheeze, this chicken habit gets out of hand REALLY quickly!
You'll know for sure whether it's a d'Uccle or a chochin once it starts getting some proper feathers -d'Uccles have an straight upright tail, while cochins have a rounded "lump." Either way, lovely birds!

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