Mixed Breed Chickens!

New little adorable mutt from the animal swap. My silkie adopted her and she never leaves her side. So glad I got her, my silkie was always at the bottom of the pecking order and now she has a little buddy she can hang out with. Very shy to other chickens, but friendly to people. Silkie something mix.

This chick is one I hatched from Dipsy Doodle Doo. Love the coloring. It is a blend of naked neck, silkie, and cochin, ameraucanas that I know.There is a possibility of jersey giant and blue rocks.Love her birds. Do a search and check out her project.
Frizzled tolblunt X golden laced polish X blue cuckoo olive egger hen. Don't know why I got solid white chicks.
Can't wait to get some mix breed babies out of my EEs, buff orpingtons, cochin bantams, and believed to be old english game rooster! I hate being patient and seeing how they will feather in is obnoxious, but also the fun of it. Pure breeds can be pretty, but you already know what you'll get, and a whole flock of birds that look the same doesn't appeal to me. I want variety and the suspense that I hate but love at the same time!
Does Banks Co. have ordinances on backyard coops for 10-12 hens? I live off Yonah Homer Rd. Thanks!

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