Mixed Breed Chickens!

I got a "barnyard mix" of banty eggs and now they're 13 weeks old. I'm absolutely clueless what these mutts are. 7 birds, 6 are black -- one black is a cockerel. Then there's the oddball "Chip" who was born with distinct chipmunk markings, has 5 toes, dark legs, and no feathers on her legs (assumings she's a she).

So I totally lucked out and hatched 6 girls & only 1 boy -- but I have no idea what their breeds are. The roo & one other black girl have feathers on their legs.

Have 5 girls that basically look like this.

Here's the whole gang.... sorry they don't pose :)

Rusty Roo -- long wattles and earlobes at 13 weeks.

And the mystery girl outlier. I have no idea what she is going to look like when she grows up.

This little one is a mix of a Silver Laced Wyandotte and a Mille Fluer.
Hatched last saturday. I am very curious what this little one is going to turn out to look like. It's got the beard like a mille but the coloring of the SLW.
Here is Reed, a Mille Fleur Bantam x Splash Sizzle, one and only different from the batch of 11.

His siblings has the same smooth feathering as him, but they are white instead of red.
Here's Rio, the half brother of Reed, a Mille Fleur Bantam x standard Mille Fleur pattern thai hen.

He will be bigger than his father, but smaller than his mother.
He will be a medium sized rooster and keeping him with Reed.
These mix breed are really beautiful and gorgeous.
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No idea what she is crossed with but she is awesome. This is Ms. Doubtfire
Looks like Cream Legbar. She has that little first on top if her head. Plus the coloring.
I was hoping it was cream leg at Bc I want a greenish blue egg so it will be exciting waiting for her to lay her first one. I also have a black polish crossed with a black copper maran she is beautiful

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