Momma did WHAT??????

He can be friends with George the Peacock.
:lol: Well, there are those pre-fab ones you could get so that he doesn't have to do the building...

OH. MY. GOSH. They had their bantams in the feed store today! :th Looked like a lot of buff-laced Polish, some silver-laced Polish, some Cochins of some sort (definitely partridge, and it looked like maybe silver and gold laced?), and two little teeny-tiny silver Sebright babies that were breaking my heart because one was sleeping in the same spot for the whole 15 minutes I stood there and the other wasn't looking much better. OH, I came SOOOOO close to coming home with some Sebrights and Polish. Those Polish babies were BEYOND adorable! :love And they kept looking up at me with their widdle eyes and their cute widdle fuzzy-beardy faces and that tiny pom-pom tuft on their heads!

I have to be strong. Not enough room for 6 more plus the 9 I have on order. Staying strong, staying strong. :fl 10 weeks and 3 days to go.

ETA: I just looked it up. Apparently the Polish and the Cochins were large fowl, not bantam. No wonder those poor Sebright babies were having such a hard time. :hit
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I know Pipd... I wont even go into the store this week. CANT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my girls are now beyond the little peep stage, and I want more!!!!! the more sure I am that Victoria is a Victor, the more I will have to have a second coop for them, the more i KNOW I will need more girls to fill it up with so that little Victor and Elizabeth wont be lonely, the more I know TSC will have bantams that would be PERFECT to go with them.

MUST NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:lol: Well, the hennies wouldn't've had any feed today if I didn't go on Friday. I came so, so close to taking some babies home. The brooder is set up already... :oops:

Aw, if she is a Victor, I'd bet he'd take good care of some banties, or even some LF Polish girls... :D *tempt, tempt, tempt*

Okay, I'm not going to the feed store for a while now. I have no room for new babies. (I keep telling myself that...) 10 weeks and 1 day. :fl

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