Momma did WHAT??????

I know Pipd... I wont even go into the store this week. CANT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my girls are now beyond the little peep stage, and I want more!!!!! the more sure I am that Victoria is a Victor, the more I will have to have a second coop for them, the more i KNOW I will need more girls to fill it up with so that little Victor and Elizabeth wont be lonely, the more I know TSC will have bantams that would be PERFECT to go with them.

MUST NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We don't have TSC's here, but we have Wilco Farm Stores. They have chicks from Feb-May. So I can't avoid going in to get feed and supplies. I just have to exercise a LOT of self-control.
:lau Everyone needs an enabler in their life.

Okay, you can call me a crazy chicken lady now. We set up a new printer over the weekend and the first thing ever printed with it was 32 pictures, one each of my beloved hennies to hang on my bedroom wall. :D Another 10 weeks and I'll be printing 9 more pictures! :yiipchick

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