
Sure fells like winter is right around the corner

It has een rather chilly the last couple days!
Yeah, I had the windows open last night......and this morning BRRRrrrrrr... it was 47 at 5:30 , hence all the windows are closed. I hate to turn the furnace on this early. I hope the weather is not a perlude of what is coming!
I agree! However after that snow storm we had in April(?), makes you wonder! When I was 9 (so 30 years ago yikes!!) I woke up to 9 inches of snow on Sept 19th!
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I agree! However after that snow storm we had in April(?), makes you wonder! When I was 9 (so 30 years ago yikes!!) I woke up to 9 inches of snow on Sept 19th!

Hello, Missoula neighbor. I'm in Stevensville. There are only a few of us from the banana belt. Are any of you Montanans members of the MT Poultry Fanciers Assn.? I just joined a while back, after their Hamilton show in May. And I'm hoping to attend the Great Falls show in Oct., I believe. They also have a website that's a Yahoo group. They're a very nice group of folks. I really enjoyed the Hamilton show. Anyone else with chickens in the Western MT fair this week? I've entered my very rare Cream Brabanter and a black Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte. They judged last night, so I hope I'm greeted with a ribbon when I go feed this morning. It's funny, how you say, "I don't really care about the ribbons." But still hope and wish that you get one. My main reason, though, was so people could see the Brabanter, since I've fallen in love with the breed. They're just so colorful, and nice quiet birds. At least, the pullet is; I don't have any cockerels yet. Next spring...
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Good luck to you at the fair! I haven't gone to see the birds yet, but I want to! I'll look for yours. How long will they be there? I was hoping to go early morning this weekend, but I don't want to miss the chickens.
My VERY RARE Cream Brabanter took a white ribbon! Hurrah for Brabanters, in spite of some negative comments. I put out some flyers on her cage, so be sure to take one. And the other, as I even suspected, and the judge agreed, is not as sold to me. But that's OK. It was a VERY FUN experience. I've never entered anything in a fair; just helped my girls when they were younger. I do hope you get over there. I think it ends Sat, as I take the birds home that evening. And there are some great looking chickens. It's always so fun to see the different breeds in person, since some look very different than just pics. Ta Ta, got to get ready to drive in to feed.

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