
I love that the yellow has black on it, I do hope that chick iturn out white and black. I have always wanted a white bird, ! We brought home cackleberrys pullets today and made a make shift pen, my girls are circling them like there on a War path lol
We named them, the black one coco , the RIR ameraucana muffy ( for the muff on her face ) Rosie for one RIR and Josie. For the other RIR any idea how long tp pen them up before letting them loose on the lawn and on the roosts with the others? There around 12 weeks old. ( Megan can you find out when they hatched?) they are the sweetest girls!
Doing great! We are going to work on getting them accepted right away . Tomorrow we are making a new small pen to fit inside the existing pen until they all get along. Also adding a new roost in the coop also. The had multi treats yesterday, dried worms, cut grass, scratch and we went down and got them live meal worms and crickets. What fun that was ! There spoiled already!
well the pen I made did not work, they got out so fast and the chicks got in. I'm putting my girls together this weekend in the Yard, and putting this pen out there so they have a place to run to if it gets harry LOL. its time to integrate slowly but surly. there doing great, but I want them out in the yard but to afraid to let them out yet. with this pen it should be easier as I will put a tarp on top.
I spent Tuesday in Deer Lodge with the state Veterinarian Dr Martin Zaluski, the state Field Veterinarian Dr. Tahnee Szymanski, USDA's DVM Glen Baily and two other federal agents (who's names and titles I'm not sure of so I won't insult them by misstating who they are). They met with six of us small time back yard chicken farmers to train us, test us and authorize us as testing agents to test and certify Montana poultry flocks as part of the National Poultry Improvement Project (NPIP).
I have been leery of this program up to this point, concerned about increased state and federal involvement in our backyard poultry efforts, while at the some time feeling the need for some kind of a safety protocol as I ship in and out chicks and chickens on a regular basis.
After spending the day studying the program and interacting with the directors of the program, I am very happy indeed with the practical outcome. It is simple, fundamental, and an effective tool in the effort to keep our poultry free of the devastating affects of transmittable disease. I love that it is still a voluntary movement - as more and more of us choose to participate of our own free will - take the steps to protect ourselves and one another- then there is no reason this should ever have to become a point of contention between those in authority and the rest of us; always a good thing! Also, how much less scary can it get - the certifying agents are now US - your average everyday chicken neighbors!
OK, once you said federal gov I blanked out, I am so Leary of our shhhhhhh

that I tend to turn an ear. nothing good comes from them any more. I see such bad things, people loosing there live stock because there not native, no raw milk, no raw cheese, etc. ugh they even steal peoples land. I tend to run the other way.
glad you did well sweetie.
today a big girl of mine got into the pen with the pullets, what was funny is I have been trying to give these girls goodies but they will not eat them, but my Gertie walked right up to the dish of yogurt I gave the pullets hours before and she began to eat, well the pullets came running and ate with her. She was fine with the pullets, just fine, well I then added my henny penny, she went nuts so she got a squirt in the butt before she got to carried away and out she went. naughty thing.
the thing is, I have tried to give them tomatoes, broccoli, breads, yogurts etc. they look at me and run :( they refuse everything and let it just sit there. maybe I will let Gertie in every day and teach them . I hope they are soon not so afraid , I want to let them into the yard, but as scared as they are there is no way. I can not get them back into the pen if I do!
Oh Karla, you are talking to a kindred spirit here!!! You should have heard my conversation with my best friend as I was preparing to head over to this meeting; I was braced for a fight if it turned out that the Montana officials were trying to implement this as a power grab. I have studied other states' NPIP programs and some are upsetting to me, but this one, our state's, as it exists today, is truly an effort to protect our poultry market and back yard flocks. Nothing more. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese are really becoming popular and more and more people (myself for example) are moving large numbers of animals around state and interstate. Montana has not had health issues to this point (unlike some of our close neighboring states) and if we are proactive in taking the responsibility upon ourselves to monitor and protect the flocks, then there will be no reason for the state to step in and flex muscles. I really see this as an opportunity to exhibit that independent spirit that makes us a great state - we don't have to be bullied into the smart behavior - we can do this ourselves and do it better! It's pretty awesome that they are training farmers to do the testing - I know of only one other state that allows non-government officials to go to the flocks and test. I would tell you which state it is except that at the moment I can't remember if it is Oregon or Washington....... hmmmm..... guess I'll have to look that up again.....

Total change of subject, but what silly pullets not to eat your treats! i can't imagine that's going to last long. They are used to me throwing little snacks and know all about treats. They're playing shy for you I think.
Your young fellows were sure sweet; I really enjoyed meeting them - you're doing something right for sure!
I'm so glad you felt comfortable, and this meeting went well, also that you can test your own and not have big brother come do anything. I'm really anti gov right now, it seems our rights are going out the window day by day. I'm hoping this president will be gone soon! he implemented change alright, change in taking this country down the tubes... now off my soap box lol, them darn pullets, they scream at me, and all i do is try to spoil them. I'm going to take them out of the pen tomorrow, clip one wing so they do not take flight and put them on the lawn, let them eat grass and enjoy.,
what kills me is the black bird takes all the food out of the dish and sits in it, so funny and yet so messy. we have gone through about 5 pounds of feed and its all over the ground, she just does not want food in that dish. I ordered a new feeder, this should stop her. oh and today she walked right into the yogurt and tried to sit in the dish.
Buffy the Americana and RIR is a bit calmer then the others,she will let me hold her with out to much struggle. the black bird is just a turd LOL she has been pulling the feathers out of the other girls.( I watched her as they walk past her. pluck right out of there butts. She must be so shook up, she was raised with lots of peeps, and she is at some old woman's home and she lets me know she is not happy with me. Hence the goodies and the taming of the shrew LOL.
Im new to this, this is going to take some time and patience. but there pretty girls and Im happy. mama says she saw your site and she fell in love with your birds, she wants to place an order for next spring.. OYE
Im off to bed. have a good night hon. thanks much for meeting me, I really appreciate it. oh and my boys are great thanks, they love the birds. big helpers in feeding watering and cleaning to!
Well, howdy all!
I haven't been here in like forever! I've got my incubator running and packed to the gills hatching out chickens, turkeys, ducks, guineas and geese.
My husband thinks I need a "12 Step Program"... Hee hee!
Bonnie, I read you live in the Bull Mtns! We're almost neighbors! I live 12 miles west out of Roundup! :) We should get together and talk poultry sometime!
Hope everyone has a wonderful evening! It finally cooled down here after a little thunderstorm rolled through this evening. Not much rain, but enough to send the goats running for shelter. ;)

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