
Well, howdy all!
I haven't been here in like forever!  I've got my incubator running and packed to the gills hatching out chickens, turkeys, ducks, guineas and geese.
My husband thinks I need a "12 Step Program"... Hee hee!
Bonnie, I read you live in the Bull Mtns! We're almost neighbors! I live 12 miles west out of Roundup! :) We should get together and talk poultry sometime!
Hope everyone has a wonderful evening! It finally cooled down here after a little thunderstorm rolled through this evening. Not much rain, but enough to send the goats running for shelter. ;)
you need to stop by more often' :). It rained here also, looks like rain for the whole week now. I'm glad we need it.
I'm puzzled, my mama hen who has babies 3 and a half weeks ago decided to start laying again, she has toughened those chicks up and by 2 weeks they were with her on the high roost. There pretty independent , out side in the cold weather with er and the birds all day and evening and it's shocking to see these chicks out in this weather and doing so well. I have been told chicks need to be warm and my chicks are by far not near heat all day and evening. I'm wondering now if heat lamps are the culprit to killing chicks. Yes they need to be warm, but how warm? Mine surly are not armed lol. Tough little chick!
I'm shocked mama is laying now ( last 4 days) I would have thought more like 6 weeks later. I am defiantly putting chicks under her again this next spring, thank goodness my pen and coop were doubled and nest boxes down lower! She can have them in there this time. It was a pain in the hutch and in the house! Hoping to get barred rocks and naked neck eggs this next year.
Anybody else getting snow today?

Snowing this morning and started up again now.

Who is the nitwit that ordered this? I ordered rain!
Woke up to snow yesterday. :/ Snowed and drizzled all day then really got serious about raining last night. Don't know how much we got but everything is nice and mucky today... I'm betting we got close to two inches of moisture by seeing what collected in buckets, etc.
I woke up to snow yesterday also, cold and wet all day. I had to stay in and clean the house
never something I like to do if I can be working outside, and I had plans on working on expanding the chicken runs. The house is nice and clean now, if only it would stay that way. Still raining off and on today. I took the dogs for a nice long walk, and we all came back dripping wet.
Lunacroon, we must be fairly close, I'm south and west of Roundup. Actually, just wondering if maybe you bought some chicks from me this spring? Wheaten Ameraucana and a Lav. Orp?
I was going to be done hatching with this last batch, a week old now, but then I saw eggs I just had to have
, so more eggs go in the bator next Sat or Sun, then I will be done- bators will go in the closet till next Jan. I need to have some time without baby chicks in my house.
I was dodging slush bombs coming off the eves of our new house today. Not fun!

most of the snow is gone and it is still raining here.
I woke up to snow yesterday also, cold and wet all day. I had to stay in and clean the house
never something I like to do if I can be working outside, and I had plans on working on expanding the chicken runs. The house is nice and clean now, if only it would stay that way. Still raining off and on today. I took the dogs for a nice long walk, and we all came back dripping wet.
Lunacroon, we must be fairly close, I'm south and west of Roundup. Actually, just wondering if maybe you bought some chicks from me this spring? Wheaten Ameraucana and a Lav. Orp?
I was going to be done hatching with this last batch, a week old now, but then I saw eggs I just had to have
, so more eggs go in the bator next Sat or Sun, then I will be done- bators will go in the closet till next Jan. I need to have some time without baby chicks in my house.

Nope, haven't bought any Wheaten Ameraucana or Lav. Orps! Actually have some Wheaten Amer. I won from a facebook contest but looking like I might get one if any... :( I may have to look you up for some hatching eggs!
I live off of Hay Coulee off Hwy 12 West- is that anywhere near you?
It's fun to find peeps with shared interests close to you through the internet- it really is a small world! :)
Take care all and have a good evening!
Nope, haven't bought any Wheaten Ameraucana or Lav. Orps! Actually have some Wheaten Amer. I won from a facebook contest but looking like I might get one if any... :( I may have to look you up for some hatching eggs!
I live off of Hay Coulee off Hwy 12 West- is that anywhere near you?
It's fun to find peeps with shared interests close to you through the internet- it really is a small world! :)
Take care all and have a good evening!
I'm on Majerus Rd, just down Goulding Creek from you. The people that bought the chickens from me one is off Goulding Creek, don't remember the road, and the other one is on Hwy 12 between Goulding Creek and Roundup, but if I remember right they said they didn't get on this site anymore.

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