More dog trouble?


9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
Today I saw our neighbor (who already has 4 dogs, 3 of which are cat/chicken killers and sheep chasers) outside with a tiny pit bull puppy. He is the most adorable thing in the world
. I really love the pit bull breed, but seeing this particular family with a pit bull isn't exactly a wonderful thing. Their dogs run loose everywhere, and have killed our cats and chickens. I really hope they keep him inside & tied up because...while I know pits can be good with certain types of livestock, when they're Not good, they can, and will kill large livestock.
I hate to think of it. I also hate to think that I may have to shoot him if he ever comes on the property.

I really don't want to loose anymore animals than I already have to dogs (both loose dogs and ours).
Ugh, that's too bad. That puppy (regardless of breed) is going to learn all those bad habits from the other dogs, and it sounds like the neighbors are irresponsible to start with, so the puppy won't get any training to the contrary. I LOVE pit bulls but they need good training and socialization.
It might come to this eventually. But if the dog is running loose and eating livestock I'd call the owners first and try to talk to them, then if that doesn't work call the dog officer, and if that doesn't work, well, hope it never comes to that.....

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