Mosquitoes Reproducing in Waterer


6 Years
Feb 9, 2013
South Central Texas

I went to add more water to our 3 gallon waterer for the bantam pen today and noticed there were mosquito larvae in the water pan. When I opened the top of the waterer dozens of full-grown mosquitoes flew out!!!! Apparently the chicken waterer is the perfect breeding space for mosquitoes
Does anyone know of a safe way to prevent mosquito reproduction in the chicken waterer without hurting the chickens? I work part time so I don't have time to dump it out and clean it/refill it every day. Plus that would waste a ton of water..... Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The problem with that corn is that the farmers were not using it in accordance with recommendations. I forget the exact pest they were using BT for, some specific caterpillar I think, but they were supposed to leave some strips untreated so the surviving pests did not develop that immunity. They would cross breed with pests from untreated area and not develop that super immune pest. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things.

That super-immunity is not going to happen with mosquitoes with all the other breeding grounds for mosquitoes around. Those things can breed in practically any pool of water. I don’t even come close to thinking that becoming super resistant is a problem with this BT using it like this.

To the best of my knowledge there are three different kinds of BT. One affects caterpillars and nothing else. Another one affects certain beetles and nothing else. The stuff in the dunks affects mosquitoes and fly larva and nothing else. You need to use the right one for the right problem.
I have cleaned up this thread. There was a lot of "flaming" going on here. Bullying on someone that asked a question about something they needed an answer too. Next time just leave the facts please. No more rude comments.

Thank you all for your understanding.

Voodoo approach I use. A table spoon of bleach is added to a 5-gallon bucket, then fill about 2/3 full with tap water. Chlorine mixed by commotion of transport to pen area. My patch are bumby. Dirty waterers are then swished before dumping, then immersed in bleach laced water for just a few seconds. Then rinse waterer with some straight tap followed by adding more for birds to drink.
Dunks are an organic approved method to control mosquito larva. It is a specific form of BT that targets mosquitoes that is perfectly safe for your chickens. It gives the larva a belly ache so they stop eating and starve to death. It’s basically a disease that only affects mosquito and fly larva. It’s not a disease that will affect chickens, fish, or anything else.
Use a one gallon waterer.

The other option is a closed system with nipple or drinker cup waterers.

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I've not had that problem yet. I wonder if putting electrolytes in the water discourages Mosquitos as well as ACV?

Make sure you use a plastic waterer with vinegar because the acid will cause metal to rust. I accidentally poured ACV in my metal waterer one time and it rusted. :(
@chickencanoe We disinfect our waterers quite regularly. This has happened during the past few weeks which have been full of severe rain so I haven't been able to monitor everything as closely as possible. A one gallon waterer lasts only a few hours in the Texas heat, so a three gallon is necessary.
@ the others I was thinking about the ACV but didn't know if it would be effective

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