Most all Chicks quitting in eggs late in the second week


12 Years
Sep 11, 2009
Vass, NC
Ok, please all suggestions welcome!

I just completed my third batch of lavender amauracana hatching eggs today. All three times I have set from 20 to 35 eggs and each time adding a handful of marans or seramas as a reference guide just to make sure it wasn't just an amauracana egg problem. At each hatch I have gotten all to most of my marans, most of my seramas and only a single amauracana in each of the hatchings. I have been hatching eggs for about five years and have always done fairly well, till now. These are the things that have changed, I downsized to a single foam incubator, forced air and turner. I only recently added the amauracanas to my flock and they began laying this summer. I have three hens and one roo. One hen lays daily, one hen lays a couple days a week....... Maybe, and the third hen I can't say for sure has ever laid an egg at all. The incubation seems to go well with fertile, developing embryos in 85% of the eggs. Incubation is at 99.6 degrees at egg center level and humidity at 45 to 50 % and raised to 60% at day 18 for lock down. The problem seems to occur about the end of week two or the first couple days of week three when, for what ever reason, almost all the embryos/chicks die. What is going on? And why do I keep getting one healthy amauracana chick out of 20 to 30 eggs in each hatch? I'm so frustrated. :barnie I need one really good hatch to fill out my flock.

They are free range as well as having free access to scratch grains, oyster shell, greens and an enriched pellet.
I seem to recall, and a quick Google search confirmed, that there is a lethal gene that is carried in Araucanas, a breed that was used to "make" the Ameracauna breed. Now, depending on the genetics of your particular birds, that may be the problem, particularly if they are of "mixed" origins (i.e., not a clean Ameracauna lineage).

I'm no expert on this, but your post triggered a memory of this possibility, so I'd look into that possibility if I were you.

Let us know what you find out!
Just had a lavender EE hatch they were shipped but 11 went to hatched end of day 21i will eggtopsy but it is weird so many wennt In but didnt hatch.99 .5 humidify 70 as usual..
Thanks stevetone. I'm familiar with the lethal gene. I used to breed Araucanas. Its the gene for facial tufts. You will loose up to 50% of a hatch if you breed tuffted to tuffted. I didn't know that this could be a problem with Amauracanas too. If anyone knows the answer please comment. I'm going to set a batch of seramas all by them selves and see if I have any of the same issue. If they hatch well, then I will have to assume its a genetic thing. Yikes!

Roxannemc, I know your frustration. Lets cross our fingers that someone might know something helpful on this subject


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