Mottled/Spangled Orpingtons

Thought I would share a photos of my Spangle/Mottle rooster "Cooper" who is the foundation father in the United States of the Spangle/Mottles we see today...this photo was taken when he was 7+ months old, as you can see as with age even the Spangle roosters lighten color with age. Cooper is all personality and enjoys his time watching over the flock and caring to younger chicks and enjoys being spoiled here on the farm....we look forward to having many
more years with this gentle giant! The Spangle is known for their gentle docile nature.

Autumn Farm Orpingtons

This young Spangle/Mottle English rooster was said to be 7 months old and actuality he is almost 5 months old according to our records.Sorry for the mix up.
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3rd generation breeding of the Silver Laced on our farm Autumn Farm Orpingtons, Washington State
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I've got a question about my Spangled roo. I've got 2 pullets and the roo who are 5 months old. One of the pullets laid her first egg today but that silly roo has yet to crow and he's not growing very fast. He's smaller than the pullets. His legs are longer but his actual body is smaller. He's also really clumsy. Trips over his own feet all the time and when he runs he looks like he's gonna fall over at any time. I have other roosters who are 2 months old and crowing. Is it normal for my Spangle to be developing this slowly?

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