Mottled/Spangled Orpingtons

The Spangle Mottle Orpington seems to be eveloping into two diddereftchickens. Once is super friendly and the other is taking on a rather rough and at timews aggressive. mANY OF US WOULD LIKE THE ORIGINALY SWEET, GENTLE AND EASIY GOING. we FIND THE Spangke and fill to follow and enjoy after many generation easger to get back. We have no problem towards these and look forward to show these are true matriricklws that
My Mottleds from you are extremely gentle. Unless it is under 10 degrees at night they try to roost out of their coop, so, almost every night I have to pick them up- or coax them to into the coop. Never have I had one of those roosters even attempt to peck at me. Usually I will shew them towards the coop and they go right on in. Picking them up though, gives me the opportunity to give them a good look-over and feel them for proper weight and form.
Thankfully... all my orps are really sweet!
Louise is one of the most intelligent Orpington breeders you will find and very knowledgeable.  I am with Nellie, something had to wrong because that was way outside of the norm.  
I totally agree... Maybe She is on a new device. I have problems with my phone frequently...
I had trouble understanding her also and I noticed the font had changed and the general tone and cadence of her writing but I don't know her so I just tried to make sense of it. I hope she's ok. She's lucky to have friends who care about her!
Thanx, I was thinking that didn't seem normal either... I was actually thinking someone hijacked her name... Not sure if that's possible here...

You know what, that could be very possible too
I emailed Louise "kidcody" as she does not generally type like that. My concern was that maybe something was medically wrong or maybe just a new device that is not working properly. Anyway it is out of character for Louise, hope she is ok.

She's messaged me in the past & told me that a younger member of her family sometimes (without permission) uses her account, & posts questionable things without her knowledge...
Maybe that's what's going on?
She's messaged me in the past & told me that a younger member of her family sometimes (without permission) uses her account, & posts questionable things without her knowledge...
Maybe that's what's going on?

I'm sorry, yes she messaged me that yesterday and I suggested to her that she might want to share the story here on BYC as she had a lot of followers who were concerned. It was a cute story, gave me a chuckle.
Again I am sorry, I did not check to see if she had posted it here. I will retrieve the message and post it, I don't think it was meant to be private.
Here it is, enjoy

From Louise:


Yesterday at 4:06 pm
My nephew took it upon himself once again to enter messages without my permission....I will have to take the time to see what damage, he and his friends have done. if any was done! lol! this happens when I allow his friends to stay the night with out my watchful eyes. If you happen to come across anything that should be brought to my attention I would greatly appreciate this time he is no longer allowed on my computer!/backyardchicken/ as this has also happened in the! they really mean no harm, just cause headaches! lol!
:/ Sorry for the misunderstanding and grammar....this is what happens when "Kids" stay up late and think they are being smart and funny! I need eyes behind my head lol! or perhaps forbid them from going on backyard chickens! lol! I guess this is all apart of me being a fun aunt! that should be watching them more! lol! :ya
:/ Sorry for the misunderstanding and grammar....this is what happens when "Kids" stay up late and think they are being smart and funny! I need eyes behind my head lol! or perhaps forbid them from going on backyard chickens! lol! I guess this is all apart of me being a fun aunt! that should be watching them more! lol! :ya
I guess kids will be kids. :)

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