Oh my WORD!  That's it!! These eggs in this incubator are staying there until Kendra graduates from high school!!  I ain't taking any chances!!

I KNOW! I knew I heard another one peeping in there but to hatch this far down the road is crazy!! Hang in there, Blooie! It'll all work out just how it's supposed to. :hugs :fl
:oops:  I'm another one who gave up on the thread @oldhenlikesdogs
 mentioned, and you linked.  I never felt bad or stupid (no stupider than I feel on a daily basis) but the truth is I couldn't keep up!  I'd see a question and think, "Oh, yeah, I wanna know that too..." so I'd keep checking back to see if someone had answered.  But it moves so doggone fast that the answer would be 10 pages back already and even as I was looking for it there's be another 5-10 "new posts" show up on the bottom of the page.  Or there'd be a string of really interesting posts I'd be reading, and suddenly they were kinda lost in the new kerfluffle, with new facts and statistics that I'd get confused about, thinking at first they were part of the posts I was watching.  See, I'm a nice lady - I just ain't the brightest crayon in the box.  :idunno

The people on there are great - so knowledgeable and willing to share experiences, advice, photos and videos and it's an incredibly valuable resource for anyone interested in incubation.  Lots of fun, lots of teasing and lightheartedness too, and I always like that in a thread.  So it's not that the thread disappoints in any way - it's simply that I couldn't keep up, and that's on me, not you and the other people there.
Okay, trying to follow the thread but it's crazy, I'm bowing out too. I'll still read some but can't follow it.
Okay, trying to follow the thread but it's crazy, I'm bowing out too. I'll still read some but can't follow it.
Not many people can actually "keep up" with it. Page 1 has most all the info you need, although you may have to sift through the mountain of subjects. If you want to say hi, just skip to the last page and jump in. That's what most of us do. I can't see or read as good as I used to, so I skip a LOT of pages!!!
Not many people can actually "keep up" with it. Page 1 has most all the info you need, although you may have to sift through the mountain of subjects. If you want to say hi, just skip to the last page and jump in. That's what most of us do. I can't see or read as good as I used to, so I skip a LOT of pages!!!   ;)
That first page is really great, but now I have to debate whether to keep my plugs in or not, the rabbit hole gets deeper.
Yep, they're on Day 16. Still doing well, although a couple of them are so full now that it's hard to see much.

I won "6 hatching eggs" in a BYC contest and all 11 of them arrived safely. I know, I know.....sigh. But they arrived today after only a couple of days in transit, and it was pretty much a straight shot from Colorado to here with minimal handling, gorgeous weather, and since they are from Colorado there was no altitude change to deal with. Too light to candle yet, but I did take a quick peek and didn't see any really apparent wonky air cells. I'll know more about that tonight when it gets dark enough to really look at them. I got them from @nate1the1great1 and what a great packing and marking job! The box made our postmistress giggle, and she had to take pictures of it. I'll post some shots in a bit.

Nate sent:
3 Black Austrolorps - I will learn to spell that!
1 Easter Egger
1 Leghorn
1 Cochin
1 Naked Neck
1 Nankin
1 Silkie
2 Bantams

The Silkie will be Kendra's and the Bantams will be Katie's.

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