MPC Hatching Egg GIVEAWAY!

My incubators run year around. Would be nice to have some cream legbars to hatch. Thanks for the opportunity.
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OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is like being a kid in a candy shop! Beautiful birds and eggs, I'd like some of each, especially the new designer breeds that lay colored eggs and can be sexed at hatch. That's the best of both worlds.
I have a Carolina blue EE from MPC. I Love her temperament and personality. Tried to order speckled Sussex eggs but they were not available. I have been very happy with my previous orders so would gladly welcome more.
How cool!!! I've been wanting for a long time Easter Eggers or olive Eggers or those chickens that lay those amazing green speckled eggs in your picture!! Blue egg layers are also so amazing!
What a generous giveaway - thank you!!

I have been wanting to add colorful eggs to our assortment, so anything in that area would be fabulous!

If I was ordering some from that assortment (which I just might!), I would choose (*swoon*) Lavender Ameraucana, Barred Blue Egg Layer, (Any color) Olive Egger, Black Copper Marans (or other Marans), Fauvacana, ... or Welsummer ... wait, that's almost all of them, anyway!! LOL!

I would also dearly wish for some Speckled Sussex or Cream Legbars, for the pinks...
I'm itchy for some Cream Legbars or Isbars! Love me some blue or green eggs. Thank you so much for the discount and this give away. How cool!

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