Mug Rug Swap and Project Challenge

I'm finally back! This is my first time on BYC since it changed. I just sent my mailing address a few minutes ago. I'm so sorry if I made anyone upset while waiting for my mailing address, but I'm very happy to be back :frow
Glad your back and nope no one is upset, forgot about the upgrade. Your not the only one. Life is just getting to us!! lots of time to go before the due date.
Glad your back and nope no one is upset, forgot about the upgrade. Your not the only one. Life is just getting to us!! lots of time to go before the due date.

Thanks Katsdar! Life has been a bit difficult lately. My husband's back was hurting more than ever this morning. I'm trying to keep up with his chores as well as mine, plus work, church, family, etc... I've been a little overwhelmed lately. I worked on the mug rug, but wasn't happy with it so I'm planning to remake it tomorrow.
Thanks Katsdar! Life has been a bit difficult lately. My husband's back was hurting more than ever this morning. I'm trying to keep up with his chores as well as mine, plus work, church, family, etc... I've been a little overwhelmed lately. I worked on the mug rug, but wasn't happy with it so I'm planning to remake it tomorrow.

Don't over do it, and don't take the fun out of the MR relax and take your time.
I'm trying to prioritize things and starting to let a few things go. I'm a longarm quilter and I decided today that I wont be taking in very many quilts that require custom quilting. They take too much time to quilt and I just can't commit to getting them done in time for my customers. I'm trying to spend time gardening with my husband so we can both relax a little. My house probably isn't as clean as it usually is, but I doubt that anyone is going to break into my house to steal the cobwebs ;)
I am glad that you have help in getting ready to move - I can imagine that it can be overwhelming! I am overwhelmed thinking about moving some day and have only been in our house for 19 years; prior to that we moved 5 times in 5 years. I told hubby that I was staying put once we moved here :) Approximately how long will you be living in the fifth wheel camper? What an adventure!
I'm not sure how long we will be in it. We haven't found land that we want yet, to build on. Just taking it as it comes! All in God's timing! We may go south for a couple of months this next winter. Yes, it will be quite an adventure!!
Wow you do have a lot going on and how wonderful a new house to look forward to. We downsized 3 years ago and it is slowly starting to collect items again. My son calls me a horder, lol nope just know that some things will come in handy sooner or later, more likely later than sooner
I know exactly what you mean!! :D That is my fear! I'm not a hoarder either, but you never know when you might need some stuff!!
I haven't been on since the upgrade. I like the looks, but as one who doesn't like change :lol: especially computer changes, it is going to take me awhile to maneuver and navigate around! I can't seem to find my subscriptions but I'll keep looking around.
I haven't been on since the upgrade. I like the looks, but as one who doesn't like change :lol: especially computer changes, it is going to take me awhile to maneuver and navigate around! I can't seem to find my subscriptions but I'll keep looking around.

Look at the top of the screen. Click on "watched threads". I think that might be what you are looking for :)

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