Mug Rug Swap and Project Challenge

For another summer project. What if we do another little swap but this time a small quilt no bigger than 12"x12". You can do what ever your heart desires and it will be based like the MR swap but this time I will host it so fenrosie can get a surprise. I would challenge you to try something new, applique or paper piecing, thread painting, a new block etc. we have to figure out where the rest of the group has gotten to. Let me know if this is something you would be interested in. We would have till September to work on it that would get us through the summer and after school starts again.
I think that's a great idea! I want to try thread painting. I've been thinking of setting up my sewing machine in the camper and working on one of my ufo's. My house looks like it has exploded!! Stuff sitting everywhere! I've got to get my nephews quilt sewed together. I'm going to give him the disappearing 9 patch quilt.

Maybe we should try PM'ing the others to see if they get messages that way. When I couldn't get on, I Pm you, Katsdar. Did you get it? It's in my list of sent messages.
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Look what I got!
Not just one but two!! And I think Thumper has taken a peak at my kitchen because they are a perfect match,they are just wonderful, Thanks Thumper xxx
My mug rug made it home today along with some thoughtful gifts!!! I was so excited!! Thank you, thank you coldupnorth!!! can someone tell me how to post a pic from my phone. I'm looking but can't find the little icon for pics. I usually do it from my laptop, but I have to take the pic with my camera, download to my laptop. It's no big deal, but if I can just send it thru my phone, I would rather do it.
Well, it won't let me log in on my phone, so I will do it the old way!!:rolleyes:

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