Murray McMurray hatchery???????

I've always ordered from mmh but this past order the 'purebred' birds are so far from the standards that most of my customers and people here at byc are calling them mutts. I'm going to try another hatchery for a while. I mean how are these purebred?

I can't even tell what breed they are supposed to be.


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I am expecting 3 pullets from McMurray today or tomorrow. I'm curious how they will have been packaged and a bit worried since they sent them express 2 day and not overnight. I'll post pics of them and the packaging when I get them.
Our chicks, granted not pullets, just arrived today and they were in a cardboard box with plenty or bedding and holes. The box was a cover that was stapled on and they arrived fine and chirping. Even had a nice chat with the post office worker about them because he orders from them, too.
The pullets arrived today! They were in one box together that had dividers between them so they weren't stumbling on each other. They had put an apple slice in each compartment so they had a little moisture during their trip. It's amazing how quickly they arrived, as they shipped yesterday at 5 pm and made it here by 10 am the next day! I live in Southern Nevada and the tracking says they came from Waco TX; I'm guessing they have another facility there.
They are doing perfectly well, but are really scared since they haven't had a lot of handling. I'm sure my 11 year old will have them friendly in no time.

A feed store near me orders from Murray McMurray. And I just got the list of chicks for the year from them, does anyone know if you have to order the hatchery minimum?Or is it different everywhere?

Also does anyone have pictures of Cochin Bantams from them?
I believe the minimum order is 25 chicks if you order them yourself. I know Meyer hatchery lets you order less at a small fee of like $7 if you don't meet the minimum. You might see if the feed store will let you reserve what you want through their order.
I know the hatchery minimum, and I thought that it was 15 after April? And I'd prefer not having to deal with the shipping.
They don't have very much of what I'm looking for so I would have to order through them.
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