Murray Mcmurray!

Hey! Would you mind posting a pic of your silver laced Wyandotte from mcmurray? Also would you post if you have an easter egger or a barred rock from there? Thanks so much!
@tec27, Also if you read the FINE PRINT on there website they actually say Ameraucana/Araucana and once you click on it they do call them Easter Eaggers and say that there not up to show standards more just for colored eggs. THANKS
You do realize this thread is a year old right? You don't think it could have changed in a year?
I have placed several orders with MM. My latest order is now 4 weeks old and have lost not a single one. All arrived happy healthy and chirping up a storm. Never had a problem with any of my chicks from them. My only gripe is that I ordered 25 brown egg layers and ended up with 8 cornish which lay eggs poorly. But they are healthy!
I went ahead and went through with my order from mcmurray and my chicks arrived super fluffy and healthy, not a single one sickly. I have to admit I was really worried after reading all the horror stories but my post office called ne on Monday morning and I went straight there to pick up all live chicks. My order ended up consisting of three barred rocks (wanted four but they said they would not have enough) four australorps, four buff orpingtons, one dark brahma, one partridge cochin (all of these pullets), one rir roo (a gift for a. Coworker), ten red star pullets and one red star roo (red stars for my father in law). We got our order on the 18 of March, and the only thing that was wrong is they shorted me an australorp and they don't remember doing that. But they credited me for the chick and we ended up with what I think is an extra partridge cochin, an extra red star roo, and the free exotic which I really don't have a clue what it is. But none of my chicks have died at all and none of the chicks we ordered for anyone else have either. All in all I'm pretty happy with Murray mcmurray. I don't have high hopes for show quality but the chicks are beautiful now and lively so we will just have to see. I'm also hoping I didn't get any roos, though I'm leaving room for doubt about the extra Cochin and the mystery chick.
I Bought some New Hampshires from McMurray Hatchery a few years ago, and I was pleased with what i got. The chicks arrived healthy without a single doa. I lost 2 in the first week, but after that I had no losses until after a year when a neighborhood dog decided my yard was an on the hoof buffet and over the course of about a month took them all.
I ordered 25 chicks early February this year. They threw in a couple extras. They all made it even though it was freezing out! February in NH is pretty cold... All healthy and started laying early and often. I think they are beautiful but I realize they are hatchery stock and I'm not under the impression that they are show quality. Having said that my only complaint is the extra chicks were roosters and one of the pullets turned out to be a rooster as well. So three more roosters than I wanted.
My order consisted of,
- 3 Pearl white leghorns hen. They are unbelievable little birds! They each have layed an egg a day without missing a single day since they started laying even though the days are short without supplementing lighting...
- 3 RI Red hens Good layers lay almost every day
-3 easter egger hens They layed an egg a day till the days got short.
-2 Buff Orpington hens ok layers very good brodies!
-2 Astrolorp hens ok layers
-2 White rock hens ok layers good brodies!
-2 Barred rock hens ok layers.
-2 speckled Sussex hens one turned out to be rooster lost other one.
-3 Darkcornish hens.Poor layers great foragers and really beefy(got them to cross to other DP birds)

-1 RI rooster Really ruff with the hens. No longer with us
-1 Easter egger rooster. received 2 very friendly but very low on pecking order No longer with us
-1 Dark Cornish Great protector and very good with hens
-1 Speckled Sussex rooster. I didn't order but he turned out to be nice to hens
We purchased 15 chicks this spring from MM; 6 black stars, 6 buff orpingtons and 3 EEs. They all shipped and arrived healthy and have survived now 34 weeks (all expect the free White Crested Black Polish chick - but that might be because at 6 weeks we had moved them into their outside coop and the food was on a shelf about a foot off the ground. I'm not sure if it could see to jump up to get the food).

They started to lay around 20 weeks of age, but it took a long time before most were laying. Right now we get around 12 eggs, at best, a day out of our 17 chickens (the 15 from MM and 2 older ones). Some weeks I was only getting 6 a day.

Size-wise, most of time they are less than 2oz (large). I've not had one bigger than 2oz. I've had Buffs before and they laid xlarge eggs. I was expecting the black stars to have xlarge eggs since they are bred to be egg machines with large eggs. So far, my EEs lay larger eggs than all the rest of these MM chicks.

I have another coop, that gets the same type of feed and I am having no problem with egg laying or size there.

So, I'm not sure what is going on, it could be the quality of the food when they were growing or it's how they are bred.
We purchased 15 chicks this spring from MM; 6 black stars, 6 buff orpingtons and 3 EEs. They all shipped and arrived healthy and have survived now 34 weeks (all expect the free White Crested Black Polish chick - but that might be because at 6 weeks we had moved them into their outside coop and the food was on a shelf about a foot off the ground. I'm not sure if it could see to jump up to get the food).

They started to lay around 20 weeks of age, but it took a long time before most were laying. Right now we get around 12 eggs, at best, a day out of our 17 chickens (the 15 from MM and 2 older ones). Some weeks I was only getting 6 a day.

Size-wise, most of time they are less than 2oz (large). I've not had one bigger than 2oz. I've had Buffs before and they laid xlarge eggs. I was expecting the black stars to have xlarge eggs since they are bred to be egg machines with large eggs. So far, my EEs lay larger eggs than all the rest of these MM chicks.

I have another coop, that gets the same type of feed and I am having no problem with egg laying or size there.

So, I'm not sure what is going on, it could be the quality of the food when they were growing or it's how they are bred.
Part of it might be that they are still early in their laying life. Pullet eggs tend to be considerably smaller than hen eggs. You may start seeing better sized eggs after they are a year old.
I have ordered chickens from Murray Mc Murrays many times and i am and have always been very very pleased. I don't know of anything they could have done better. Of course the pullets lay smaller eggs to begin with.
We were also very pleased with Murray McMurray's, all the chicks we ordered arrived healthy and survived. Everyone is probably right that the eggs are small due to them being pullets, I just don't remember any of my other pullets taking so long before their eggs were size large and bigger.

Happy New Years everyone!!

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