Muscovy club?


7 Years
Jul 22, 2012
Does anyone know of a Muscovy specialty club? I have recently gotten tired of how there are four "show" colors for a breed that has more than ten, along with a wide variety of patterns.

If there is no club, is there a way to add (by contacting people, and so on) colors to the Standard? Thanks!
Sure. I think some people on BYC were trying to start one a few years ago, but I suspect it fell through. Does anyone know? And if not, wanna start one?
yes there was the starting of a club a couple years ago, but things got out of hand and it feel by the way side,You might try again and see if any interest rises from it.
start a new one. give it a name like muscovy breeders club or something like that. make sure to have goals for the club, bylaws, and an over all plan on were you want the club to go. make sure someone has good orgainazanal skills as well and proper programs to hold all the information such as members names, addresses, and colors breed. there is a lot that goes into making a club. start out small then grow it.
I do wish I could start one, but I can't, so I'll stick to helping and/or wishful thinking.
What would even be a good goal?
well for our club (the central louisiana poultry club) we aim for people to have a fun time raising poultry along with great education, quality breeding, over all good health of poultry, we also host shows and hope to one day be able to offer a scholarship program.
Yes the original one did not go well. There was too many differences on how it should be done and things seemed to fizzle out. I'd love to see it start up again. There's so many people on here with them I'm quite surprised someone hasn't tried again. I'm not much of a politics person but I'd be willing to assist in the tech aspects of establishing a club.

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