Muscovy Ducks And Chickens Do Not Mix

I have to muscovy ducks that live with my chickens, other ducks, and guineas. Fred and Ginger get along with my others very well. Fred even thinks he is the guard. They all free range during the day, and at night when I go and shut them up. He lets me know if there all in or not. We will not go inside until all the others are in. If he is inside then I know everyone is in. He and ginger will be moved to there own run, before next spring, so we can have some little ones. I love to watch them.
Hmmm, interesting story Cowboy_Shamblin.
Have you come back to read any of the responses to your story?
It seems you are the only one amongst all these people who have had this kind of experience.

I would like to hear more about: to quote steve of sands poultry these; "outlaw" muscoveys,
who fly about in a group, swoop into a cochin pen and kill twelve of them.

what time of day was it?
you said they were killed before you could do anything about it, sound like trained assassins to me.
this year when? what day?
i would know the exact minute some outlaw muscoveys flew into my cochin pen killing all twelve of them.
are you protecting your flock now from these murderous muscoveys?
if so, how?

enquiring minds, and yes skeptical minds would like to know.

thank you.


Oh, that's just we have to worry about Terrorist Muscovies. We have had numerous muscovies living with the chickens and peafowl for years.......but I'm keeping an eye on them now!!! Always was suspicious of all that hissing and head bobbing.
Hmmm, interesting story Cowboy_Shamblin.
Have you come back to read any of the responses to your story?
It seems you are the only one amongst all these people who have had this kind of experience.

I would like to hear more about: to quote steve of sands poultry these; "outlaw" muscoveys,
who fly about in a group, swoop into a cochin pen and kill twelve of them.

what time of day was it?
you said they were killed before you could do anything about it, sound like trained assassins to me.
this year when? what day?
i would know the exact minute some outlaw muscoveys flew into my cochin pen killing all twelve of them.
are you protecting your flock now from these murderous muscoveys?
if so, how?

enquiring minds, and yes skeptical minds would like to know.

thank you.


Oh, that's just we have to worry about Terrorist Muscovies. We have had numerous muscovies living with the chickens and peafowl for years.......but I'm keeping an eye on them now!!! Always was suspicious of all that hissing and head bobbing.

but, but,.....TV I was trying to get information to stop these terrorist muscovey rumours. (I do not believe they exist!)
Cowboy_Shamblin has yet to return to this topic and address my deep concern about this terrible and unproven rumour he dropped here and left like a bad smell.
And the whole story smells to high heaven.

The hissing and head bobbing is letting you know there are rumour mongers afoot.
Ok!! I have to confess our head female Muscovy does seem to have some connection to the local coyotes. We have seen multiple occasions where chickens she is mad at have disappeared with only feathers left behind.

Maybe it wasn't coyotes at all but the dreaded terrorist Muscovy's. I can only hope that my children stay on her good side.....
From now on we will document these attacks and maybe we can track down these terrifying Muscovies.
have you seen your muscovey hanging out with the coyotes?
do they meet in the back 40 to share a 40?
and discuss which chicken is the one to get it next?
i think we need more proof. got a game camera?

the only thing i suggest is to put her in a dark room,
with a bright light and interrogate her!

that's the american way.

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Kind of sounds like a troll trap to me.

I can't imagine this happening. I had a broody GLW and my broody swedish go after each other, that was pretty intence but they still couldn't have killed each other.

I think cowboy shamblin got the reaction he was looking for.
This is so funny! Love the sense of the ridiculous that is shared . I did have Indian Runner drakes that pecked my Belgium D'Uccle Banty to death. I actually am separating my Muskovies from my Banties because of this. Aragorn was lowest on the pecking order to begin with but the Runners had a vendetta .. she was the only one they hassled.. maybe she was dissin' them or talking smack ?? My Sumatras do not like the Muskovies and get all huffy.... hence the fact I have two separate pens and they free range at different times. Continue this ever so enjoyable repartee.

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