Muscovy keepers share your pics!

ilovemuscovy...WOW! I love all of the different stage photos and the colors are wonderful! I wish I had about a dozen 'scovies running around LOL

Nibbles is brooding again. She decided the box was too crowded or something to pulled her nest out into the floor. I moved the box and shoved her next more into the corner and added some hay...this is why humans don't nest

ETA: she has 12 eggs under her.



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Nibbles is brooding again. She decided the box was too crowded or something to pulled her nest out into the floor. I moved the box and shoved her next more into the corner and added some hay...this is why humans don't nest

That's why we have charge over those silly Scovy girls.

My Chloe is brooding also but she was a "good girl" & is brooding in a nice nest box inside the original duck house shared by only 4 other growing Scovies. NOW I won't have to move her and her ducklings once they hatch out. Charlotte has a clutch also and is getting close to brooding. She has put her nest in a far corner, snug and secure, in the duck shed....... shared by 25 growing Scovies. I hope to have another 10 or so of those rehomed by the time her clutch has hatched........otherwise......

I have some updated pic's of my growing 1.5-2mo olds I'm hoping to post later tonight. My Chocolates are getting soooo pretty.
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Teaser pic! What can you tell me about this baby? I have no info at all. It was a surprise from my little cousin.
He's so sweet.
A few of this years Scovies 1.5mo - 2mo old I haven't already posted elsewhere.
They spend so much of their time under the pines & spruces that it's difficult to get clear bright shots of these buggers.





Isn't the best photo of this blue barred girl but hey..... I may be keeping her.



No I didn't get any more. The lady that I was supposed to meet tonight won't return my phone calls.
My 13 year old cousin woke me up with a phone call at 6:30 Sunday morning. He asked me what kind of duck was it that I was wanting? A scovy? I was like yes....? Then he hung up. When I got off of work at 5:30 that night this little one was running around my yard.

My cousin has a sibling to it. His has very distinct barring.... like a barred rock. Sooooo pretty! I wondered if mine was barred too but it's more like little white tips to the feathers. Any guesses on sex or age? I was thinking maybe 3-5 weeks. I don't know. Names??? I'm calling it "it" or "baby" now but that has got to go. I don't want to give it a name and then have it turn out to be the opposite sex. lol I have a girl Daffy Duck now. haha!

The baby has really taken to my two 12 week old Swedish. I joke that they are mommy, daddy, and baby. lol The Swedish don't really like to get in the huge pond but the baby jumped right in and I think the other two must have been jealous because they followed it right in. I laughed so hard. They are also the baby's protectors. My chickens want the baby D-E-A-D. It's so funny to watch the Swedish run in front of the baby and get attacked in the process. The Cochins don't care who they get. lol Okay, just re-read that and it sounds mean. lol But I'm sure you guys understand.

More pictures to come. My computer is really slow at uploading pics. I can't wait to share his/her pictures with everyone. I'm just like a proud mom showing off her new kid. lol
Ohhhh, what a sweet looking family! I am so glad the Swedish have adopted your duckling into their flock. Your duckling is def. a black pied Scovy. Their juvie feathers will look more "speckled" but once adult feathers come in will be a pretty black w/irredecent blue/green in the sun. I'm tending towards drakelet with that stance and that bit of crest showing. Plus look at the size of the duckling compared to the Swedish and it isn't even feathered out yet. Feet aren't overly big though. Hmmmmmmm!
I am so excited to see what this baby grows into. I'm leaning toward two names... Baloo (from the Jungle Book) or Indy.

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