Muscovy keepers share your pics!

I have a problem with my broody.this is about her six time going broody.well we finely got a drake and he breed with her right before she starting laying.well all twelve eggs where had a blood ring that I discarded.well this morning I found the chickens pecking on bloody egg of her eggs where on the floor all broke up.witch I have her in a dog crate and the door was closed
They are very special, Hope you can get some.
yes they are. thanks.
hello all,I'm new to the site and don't have any ducks yet,but really like Muscovy ducks! I worked for a older couple in Indiana that ran a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and that's where I saw my 1st Scovy Ducks. There were a family of them and the father was the 1st Duck to eat out of my hand,and they would follow me around the whole summer when they saw me. Anyway nice to see a thread just for my favorite Ducks.

:welcome I hope you can get some they are realy cool and have great personalities.
hey Muscovy people I just want to know if I get a Muscovy hen will she incubate other duck eggs or geese eggs ? I am having trouble incubating the eggs my self . Before I sell any hatching geese eggs I want to make sure the parent are proven breeders. so far they are not interested in sitting. So I thought if I had a hen that will go broody she will do it. just a thought. are weather is unpredictable goes from 70 to 39 in a day. I hate it. thanks .
hey Muscovy people I just want to know if I get a Muscovy hen will she incubate other duck eggs or geese eggs ? I am having trouble incubating the eggs my self . Before I sell any hatching geese eggs I want to make sure the parent are proven breeders. so far they are not interested in sitting. So I thought if I had a hen that will go broody she will do it. just a thought. are weather is unpredictable goes from 70 to 39  in a day. I hate it. thanks .

I'm pretty sure they will but im not for sure since it is my first year with them. My hen just payed her 5th egg so I'm still wondering if she will sit on them.
I only have muscovy, but I've heard they will hatch out other types of eggs. Mine won't start sitting until she has 18-20+ eggs in her nest.

Duck train heading down the hill.


Hunter being handsome

Willow and Meg eyeballing me for treats

Hunter with his crest up charming the ladies. The lavender girls now worship him.

I however am a little miffed at his supreme horniness. We have been stressing manners as of late.
I looked into them. Ducks seemed to be a better fit. I'm really happy with how it's working out so far. The hardest part is keeping the flock small. Man, those ducklings are just adorable! So tempting.
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I looked into them. Ducks seemed to be a better fit. I'm really happy with how it's working out so far. The hardest part is keeping the flock small. Man, those ducklings are just adorable! So tempting.
I figured you didn't have chickens or you wouldn't have all those gorgeous flowers. They sure are adorable and tempting and the Muscovy's will just love to hatch you out as many as you want too.

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