Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Completely depends i also have not found age to be a factor at all. Some will sit on a few others a lot. A duck last year set a clutch of 20 eggs, 19 succeeded. Then in the fall she turned around and sat another 8.

She wasn't that old... she is now 2yrs old.. so did this as a 1yo. I find once they start plucking feathers that is the fill of the nest they desire. Good luck!

Thanks. She kind of did a some plucking but not alot just a little bit at six eggs. I think tha5 she is going to lay more though. She is only about 9 months old.
Hey guys another question. I was doing some research and found that their caruncles change color when they go broody. Is this true?
I've never seen that happen with any females I've had. Males' caruncles do continue to grow as they get older. That's the extent my knowledge on muscovy caruncles.
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I have a problem with my broody.this is about her six time going broody.well we finely got a drake and he breed with her right before she starting laying.well all twelve eggs where had a blood ring that I discarded.well this morning I found the chickens pecking on bloody egg of her eggs where on the floor all broke up.witch I have her in a dog crate and the door was closed
Sorry to hear. If the door was closed, where were the bloody egg shells the chickens were pecking on?

I only have muscovy, but I've heard they will hatch out other types of eggs. Mine won't start sitting until she has 18-20+ eggs in her nest.

Duck train heading down the hill.


Hunter being handsome

Willow and Meg eyeballing me for treats

Hunter with his crest up charming the ladies. The lavender girls now worship him.

I however am a little miffed at his supreme horniness. We have been stressing manners as of late.
Beautiful ducks and flowers. Not so beautiful bruises
Do your ducks not bother the flowers??

My scovy layed her 6th egg and is now putting down on her nest.
YAY! I couldn't wait any longer and put 7 eggs in the incubator, lol.

This is my special girl out of the 5 I have. She's somewhat crippled. She broke her leg when she was half grown. She flew for the first time and landed wrong. I had to carry her around everywhere for about 4 weeks. I was afraid I'd have to put her down out of mercy. She healed though. She's just a little different from the others. She can't walk or run as fast as the others. She has a little bit of a wobble and she's pretty clumsy. She tends to trip over things that she tries to climb over. She can't fly off the ground as high as the others either. She's not in any pain though. She's just as happy as the other 4 girls. She just special.
And here's my other 4 girls.
Yep, and you can tell they like and are very interested in the person behind the camera. Great pics RichardKutz!
Sorry to hear.  If the door was closed, where were the bloody egg shells the chickens were pecking on?

Beautiful ducks and flowers.  Not so beautiful bruises:hugs   Do your ducks not bother the flowers??

YAY!  I couldn't wait any longer and put 7 eggs in the incubator, lol.

?? I don't understand your comment
Hey guys another question. I was doing some research and found that their caruncles change color when they go broody. Is this true?

This is Esmeralda her caruncles were much darker before she went broody
Hopefully now that she is hatching she'll darken up again , hatching takes a toll on the mamas, my chickens lighten up too when they are sitting

so one of the eggs had gotten out of the dog crate and the chickens were pecking it?  Are you sure it was one of hers?  Could it have fallen out when you were checking on her or the eggs?
no,I woke up when to let them out and found it on the had a crack when it was in the nest.she must have pushed it out because of th hat.

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