Muscovy keepers share your pics!

She plays outside around our other ducks but they aren't Muscovy. She sleeps inside in our bedroom and has lots of snuggles in and outside through the day. If she seems lonely though we will.
Oh darn. I guess someday you might have to go pick up some more "gems" to keep him company so he can dance with them. You could have an Emerald, and another Ruby, and a Saphire, and a Diamond, and an Amber, an Amthyst, and a Turquoise, maybe someday a Jasper...Really, it just sounds like you need a lot more duckies.
All those unused gems...
Thank you all so much for your caring reply's. I so appreciate it. The vet seemed confidant that she'd be ok as long as she could pass the fine stones. I was concerned as to whether she even could, even with the oil because the stones were pretty well compacted :( I feel so bad about it...
MinnesotaNice your photo's are amazing!
Ruby having a splash

Can I have your weather please?!!!!

That is one happy duck! I was thinking the same.....maybe a boy?

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