Muscovy keepers share your pics!

I have 2 drakes and 3 hens. Chaz hogs all 3 hens :smack I haven't been able to find anymore adult hens nearby to keep Mackelroy company. He does sneak a Dirty dance with Toothless in every now and again:drool. :lau
3 of my 7 girls are laying on eggs right now. 3 more females arn't laying yet, 1 was just hatched March 7th of this year. And I just picked up my 7th beautiful Muscovy Girl today! Drove 2.5 Hours away just to pick her up! Worth every bit! The pin is all dirty from the rain today, but tomorrow new sand is being laid down! Bought 700lbs of sand today!

The duckling eggs are clicking as of last night, so it will be soon! Question I have: is there a danger to the ducklings from the drake? I plan to block them off in their own area starting today, but when the moms and ducklings go outside I'm concerned about the drake's behavior toward them.
I'm not sure how to pinpoint exact hatch days under a broody, I guess the 23rd and they hatch the 21st. Apparently I hatch muscovy in a Bator in 30 days instead of 35. :barnie the air cell will take up about half the egg when they get ready to hatch if I'm not mistaken. Assuming they were incubated correctly. I'd hope the Duck knows what going on lol. Can you see any beaks poking through? Any wiggling around?
On day 40, yesterday, we checked again although I had pretty much given up hope. And they had pipped internaly!! We did find a few quitters but more of the ones we checked were hatching then dead. So fingers crossed!!
Oh cool. Hopefully you get a good number to hatch! :fl

There could be an issue with the drake, so you definately want to see how he behaves around the babies. My broody and lings are in a doghouse, inside a kennel. I let them out to explore the yard but keep a close eye so rooster/guineas/or whatever doesn't mess with them. She gets pretty serious with anybody getting close. I was more worried about one getting trampled in a scuffle with the guinea.
Cleaned the pen today, and laid out new sand. Needs about ten more bags. My Muscovies love it! My new Blue girl is still skid-dish around my others, but they act fine inside their coop. My 3 other Muscovy girls are still laying on eggs with all developing! I just love their hissing and peeps they make.

(Next Door is a mess, the old neighbors threw their trash and garbage at my gate because they didn't like seeing my ducks. And they were getting evicted out of their house for non payments. Now the house is abandoned and left like that. The city refuses to clean it up. so I'm thinking about buying the land and expanding my duck pen.)

Update!! 12 out of 17 have externally pipped!! Think the other ones are quitters but still crazy that its day 41.. well closer to 42 now.. Rorri, my daughter has crawled in three times today. Hoping for babies tomorrow. Not sure if she'll keep bringing them in culvert or what. I have I giant brooder on porch I could move them into. Three broodies in penn taking up every extra spot.

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