Muscovy keepers share your pics!

You just never know when broodiness will strike but having Muscovy's it will so keep around 8-10 eggs in there and when one starts sitting then take out some of the oldest so the clutch isn't too much for first time mama. You decide how many you want her to hatch, once she commits full time to brooding she'll not even realize all the eggs she started on aren't there if you remove them while she is out running around eating drinking pooping and chasing everyone with her sumo wrestler pose going. on. 

Thanks Miss Lydia. You truly have been a god send for me:)
I'll mark the ones in there nowand take them all out over the next few days. Dates on the new ones each day I think so then I can monitor it.
How long do the eggs have before they go off?
And is there anything I can do to promote brooding?
One of the girls went crazy setting the nest up differently when I added heaps of extra straw last week but that's all I've done.
I did take half of the eggs out and put them in the new box to encourage laying in there but they're just laying more in the original box.
Thanks Miss Lydia. You truly have been a god send for me:)
I'll mark the ones in there nowand take them all out over the next few days. Dates on the new ones each day I think so then I can monitor it.
How long do the eggs have before they go off?
And is there anything I can do to promote brooding?
One of the girls went crazy setting the nest up differently when I added heaps of extra straw last week but that's all I've done.
I did take half of the eggs out and put them in the new box to encourage laying in there but they're just laying more in the original box.
As far as viable eggs as long as it isn't too warm I leave mine sometimes 3 weeks, but usually by then they aren't going to hatch anyway. they say about 10 days if your going to incubate your self but sometimes Muscovy's will brood 20 or more eggs and most will hatch, course she maybe getting some help in the laying department. Mine will do that they have one or 2 special laying places and they will all lay their eggs there. About all you can do is give them plenty of nesting material and a quite spot and just wait. Keep about 10 in the nest till one goes broody then if you want her to hatch less take out some. We don't eat our ducks so I have to practice birth control here to keep my flock from getting to big and not having room for them to sleep at night.
Ok, so some of yall know my swedish drake pinches me good. Well today I was grabbing an egg that my broody muscovy wasnt sitting on and he was pushing my hand out of the way pinching my hand ect. But I got it. Then a couple hours ago. I petted him for the first time in a while and he really pinches me. Worse then usual. Is this because of him being angry from the lack of attention I've been giving him? Or
So I finally tried vent sexing my muscovy again and need your help. Do you think this is male or female? It doesn't really look like either to me, but I am no expert. It is 7 months old. Thanks for the help!

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That's a definite female , when vent sexing at that age a males pig tail would flop out

And also my babies have 4 days till hatch tomorrow evening and I don't see any signs I candled them again today and they are like full! Theres not one part of them that the baby isn't in so everybody please pray for some babies :fl
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That's a definite female , when vent sexing at that age a males pig tail would flop out

And also my babies have 4 days till hatch tomorrow evening and I don't see any signs I candelas then again today and they are like full! That's not one part of them that the baby isn't in so everybody please pray for some babies

That's awesome news for me! This one has really been problematic in sexing by other means. I am glad you are confident that it is a female!

I will be praying for your little ducklings! Keep us updated.
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Ok, so some of yall know my swedish drake pinches me good. Well today I was grabbing an egg that my broody muscovy wasnt sitting on and he was pushing my hand out of the way pinching my hand ect. But I got it. Then a couple hours ago. I petted him for the first time in a while and he really pinches me. Worse then usual. Is this because of him being angry from the lack of attention I've been giving him? Or
It's hormones, when they are like this it's best Not to pet them. Just let them get through this part breeding season and he'll be back to normal come fall.
Myrtle has tamed down a lot since her accident. (Got rolled under a vehicle this past summer and got stunned pretty good). I hope the accident doesnt hinder her from laying eggs and hatching babies. She was/is our best mother!!


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