Muscovy laying to early

I live in Minnesota and am having the same problem with my Muscovy hen laying eggs now and the weather is still cold. She is also not quite a year. She will be on May 15. So the best thing is to just take them away from her??
I know one of the eggs froze and was cracked so I took that out of there. She has not incubated them yet she is still laying eggs.
Thanks for the info everybody, I think I might have a lead on an incubator form a friend. I know Scovies can be hard to artificially incubate but I will attempt to incubate the eggs that she lays know and then let her do her own clutch in the warmer weather. Worth a shot I guess! I will try and remember to post the results with pictures
I have never heard that you can't let a duck under a year go broody.
Quick google search didn't show why not either.

If she just started laying, she may not want to sit anytime soon. If she does, they won't hatch until the end of April anyway, so it will be a bit warmer for you then.
Well that's what I kinda figured, she made a nest and everything so I believe she would set them. my biggest concern was about the eggs freezing and then not being able to hatch. But I see a little warm up in the Forecast now.
Mine make a nest to lay their eggs in, but none of them has a desire to sit on them once the door opens in the morning!
Mine are in the barn right now since the run and coop got buried in snow. I noticed they have been burying the eggs in the bedding and I have to do a treasure hunt several times a day. They don't really seem to put them in the same place every day though.
Funny you mention it. This mourning One of the eggs that was in her nest got kicked out into the run Hopefully she quites doing that soon.
My Muscovys that were hatched last spring have started laying and I have 40+ in the incubator right now and only 3 have candled clear with the rest showing fertile. I put in more eggs weekly and just put in 17 more today.

I have no idea if any are near going broody, but I remove eggs every day. I live in central Florida, so I don't worry about freezing temps.

All of mine are the "French" White Muscovys, and I am totally happy with them!

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