My barred rocks seem too bold!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 24, 2014
So I purchased 5 8 week old barred rocks. They were flighty as soon as I brought them home... Which I have them the benefit of the doubt being in a new place and all. I gave had them for almost three weeks now and still can't pick them up let alone get within a couple feet of them.
They also run after my ducks that have been there before the chickens and occasionally pounce on my ducks. When my ducks try to come to their coop the chickens chase them away. They have also been trying to take over the duck coop!!

Is this normal?!? They seem pretty bold for docile chxikens, Altho this is my first chicken experience!? Maybe I'm over reacting? Lol

I don't want unfriendly chickens!!! Anything I can do to get them more use to me?!! I am
Around them several times a day and even spend time on the ground trying to give them treats.
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In my experience, which is just one person, some chickens just don't like to be touched. I no longer get baby chicks because I can't risk getting roosters again. The two times I bought baby chicks that were supposed to be hens, two were roosters. By the time I could tell, I was attached.

It was really difficult for me to find good homes for them. Can't go through that again so now I buys chickens that are at least three months old. I don't get the chance to train them to be super friendly, but actually I've had some luck with a couple even though they are already older.

I'm guessing it is the nature of the bird.

Go figure.

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