My birthday present! Pic

I got the temp and humidity perfect! Now all I need are my pure Ameracauna eggs!
I specially said Amercauna pure bred in my ad. One woman said I can have 6 eggs and they are from Paul Smith. I've heard that name a few times. These are all blue, black and splash.

I'll be pretty disappointed if the ones I paid for are Easter Eggers, but we'll see. I'm hoping for the best. I do love Easter eggers, I have 3 of my own. I have a mixed flock with 8-9 breeds.

If I do get nice looking birds from two breeding lines, I might breed them myself and sell the eggs. It all depends on the temperament of the rooster. If the rooster shows any aggression whatsoever, he's outta here. The eggs I bought on eBay do look sky blue and has good ratings.

I'm super excited! I'm planning on keeping one pair and selling the rest. I don't want too many chickens in my coop. Right now they are locked in the run due to a stupid fox problem. We are going to set up a fox trap in about an hour.

I'd really like to find some great breeding lines and produce nice birds for people. I'll sell them at a very fair price. I'll be looking for nice rooster temperament with show quality potential. This is my goal anyways.
Happy Birthday
Keep us updated. I'd love to see what you get:)

I got a fabulous high hatch rate! Here are a couple chicks! I'm keeping 4-6 from both sets that are show potential. My husband and kids will start showing through 4-H before we head to the APA/ABA.;). They are very excited! I joined the Ameraucana Breeders Club as well.




Here are some very cute chicks that were suppose to be pure bred, but someone sold me mixed breeds on purpose. I gave these little ones away to a friend of mine. eBay did fully refund my money. :)

I just now ordered more pure Ameraucana's and put another batch in 3 days ago.
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It seems like a lot of people are getting Easter Eggers that are being sold as ameracauna's. Where or who are you getting your eggs from?

Well, my very first 6 eggs were mixed breeds. 3 were Easter eggers and 2 had straight comb. One egg didn't make it and one chick died immediately after hatching. I was able to prove that I was intentionally sold mixed breed and was refunded my money fully by eBay through a dispute(even shipping costs). They are super cute chicks, but I don't have room for them and I gave them away at a few days old.
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