My birthday present! Pic

Thank you! I can't believe how well it worked! I hope it continues to keep working well!
Glad to see the incubator worked well.What is the brand and cost? Sorry about your mix breed.They were cute.Glad you got a refund! I love buying presents for myself. I got 4 yards of supersoil garden dirt.Maybe nexy year I will get an incubator.
I bought a cheap farmers innovators 4200 for $117, shipping included from Amazon. It came with a fan, egg turner, and egg candler. I bought a liner from little giant and I cut the sides to make it fit, what a lifesaver! I hope I have another great hatch. I haven't checked the eggs for my second go at it yet, I'm set those on the 1st, so they are a few days old. I'm done hatching this year. I ignored the timing of winter.;). I might have a few extra until they are fully feathered or spring.
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