My chickens don't like to dust bathe in a tub


5 Years
Jun 9, 2018
Every winter I put a tub of mixed sand, ash, DE, and soil in the coop for the chickens to use but it always looks untouched. I've never seen them use it. Instead they try to dust bathe in the bedding of straw. Last year I dug a space and put the tub in the ground so it's more level but they still ignore it. How do I encourage them to use it to keep themselves clean?
I've never been able to get my chickens to use a tub for dust bathing. :barnie
But I once had an old tractor tire that I filled with sand for them to use... I spread a bit of scratch over the top. They went from scratching around looking for goodies, to dusting in it.
I don't know if that would work with a tub, but you could try it. :confused:
Chickens are creatures of habit. Since the straw is still there, they use it. Do they dust bathe outside in the dirt?

since you are in MN, you have the winter tub in the coop due to weather, I’ll assume. Any way to put it in a sheltered area that gets less snow or in an area that the snow gets blown away from? Mine dust bath all over the run. At times preferring one area or another as a group. Sometimes due to weather - one area is too hot and sunny the majority of the day in the summer, but they’ll use when it’s not so hot.
Yes, they like to dust bathe in a specific corner of the yard but they don't have access to it in the winter. I even tried putting that same dirt/sand in the tub but they won't touch it.
Mine prefer the ground and dig their own holes, I gave up trying to make them a dust bath.
Same here.

Yes, they like to dust bathe in a specific corner of the yard but they don't have access to it in the winter. I even tried putting that same dirt/sand in the tub but they won't touch it.
I have a section of the run under the coop that is protected enough to stay dry all year around, even in winter, so they continue to dust bathe there.
Same here.

I have a section of the run under the coop that is protected enough to stay dry all year around, even in winter, so they continue to dust bathe there.
My Delaware looks dead :lau she dug herself a nice big hole.

What type of tub are you using? I had tried different "tubs" before and the chickens wouldn't use them because they were simply too small or too hard for them to climb into. Now I use a kid's sandbox so it's a lot roomier and keeps the contents fully covered and protected from rain and snow.
I've tried old tires and small tubs, sand then dirt from the yard, but none of that worked - the only container that ever worked for me was a medium-sized plastic kiddie pool, filled with peat moss -- they went nuts for it! Like this but a bigger bag:
Don't know if it was the smell or the light fluffy texture, but peat moss was the bomb! Keep trying different containers & different mediums, I'm sure you'll find a combo they like :)

* Oh FFS of course not with fertilizer...
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I've tried old tires and small tubs, sand then dirt from the yard, but none of that worked - the only container that ever worked for me was a medium-sized plastic kiddie pool, filled with peat moss -- they went nuts for it! Like this but a bigger bag:

I also use peat moss but I'd suggest trying to find a product that's just peat moss, such as this: The miracle gro one says it has fertilizers added.

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