My chicks/ducklings came this morning!!


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
I had a 100% live arrival of our chicks and ducklings this morning! They all seem to be doing no worse for wear (considering they came from TX to WI), and happy to be out of that box. The brooder area for the 30 babies right now is 2x4 feet, and some of them have taken to using the entire thing as a race track. The brooder is expandable to 4 by 8 feet, so should be able to house them comfortably for quite awhile. I have

Black australorps
buff orpingtons
silver laced wyandottes
porcelain d'uccles
mille fleur d'uccles
and three Cayuga ducks!

They came from Ideal Hatchery, this is only my second time ordering via mail, but the last time I ordered from another hatchery, closer to me, and had three DOA's out of 25.

I'm happy they're all here, safe and sound! And thankful we JUST put the brooder up last night!


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